Page 62 - Complete IELTS Bands 5 - 6.5
P. 62

f) Read Questions 11-13 below and describe what       Listening  Section 2
               the flow chart shows in your own words.
                                                                 0  You are going to hear a worker from the Citizen's
                                                                    Advice Bureau talking to people Who have arrived
               Questions 11-13                                      recently in the country about the banking system
                                                                    in Britain. Before you listen, match these words
               Complete the flow chart below.
                                                                    and phrases (1- 8) with their definitions (a-h).
               Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the
                                                                    1  account        [@    5  in credit      D
               passage for each answer.
                                                                    2  balance        D     6  interest rate   D
                              In-store bread                        3  branch         D     7  overdraft      D
                            production process                      4  direct debit   D     8  savings        0

                                                                    a  arrangement that allows an organisation to  take
                The supermarket is sent 11        and other
                                                                       money from your bank account to  pay for somethin
                   items which have been prepared earlier.
             ----                                    --....!!!!!!!!!!!~   b  arrangement with a bank to keep your money there
                                    ~                               c  exact amount of money you have in a bank account
                                                                    d  extra money that you must pay to a bank which
                  Baking bread in-store produces an aroma.
                                                                       has lent you money
                                                                    e  having money in your bank account
                                                                    f  money which you have saved and not spent
                    Shoppers' 12         are stimulated.
                                                                    g  one of the offices of a bank
                                                                    h  when you have taken more money out of your
                 They are then keenefto buy food, including            bank account than you had in it
                           bread and 13
                                                                 f) Read Questions 1-4 and underline the key idea in

                                                                    Questions 1- 4
                                                                     Which bank provides the following?

                                                                    Choose FOUR answers from the box and write the
                                                                    correct letter,  A- F,  next to questions 1-4.
                                                                     1  a branch on the campus
                                                                    2  a free gift for new customers
                                                                    3  special interest rates for students
                                                                    4  no bank charges for certain customers

                                                                       A  Evergreen        D  International Union  ~~~
                                                                       B  Finley's         E  Moneysafe

            Q Find the paragraph of the passage which deals            C  Great Western    F  Northern Star
               with the subject, then read it carefully and
               complete the flow chart.

               Exam advice      Flow-chart completion            @) (oi\ Now listen and answer Questions 1-4.
                •  Use the title of the flow chart to find  the right   Exam advice   Matching
                   part of the passage.
                                                                     •  Underline the key idea in each question.
                •  Check how many words you need to fill  each          Sometimes you will  have to underline the whole
                   gap.                                                 phrase.
                •  Underline the words you  need and copy them       •  Write only one letter for each question - you will
                   onto the answer sheet.                               not need to use all  the letters.

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