Page 66 - Complete IELTS Bands 5 - 6.5
P. 66

Writing  Task 2

            0  Work in pairs. Read this Writing task and make a
               list of advantages and disadvantages.

               Write about the following topic.
               Buying things on the Internet,  such as books, air
               tickets and groceries,  is becoming more and more
               Do the advantages of shopping in this way
               outweigh the disadvantages?
               Give reasons for your answer and include any       @) Read the sample answer again.
               relevant examples from your own knowledge or
                                                                     I  Which of the things on your list from Exercise 1
                                                                        are mentioned in the answer?
                                                                     2  Would it be possible to include everything
            f) Divide this sample answer into paragraphs by             on your list in an answer? If not, how do you
               writing// where you think the writer should              decide what things to include and what things
               start a new paragraph.                                   to  leave out?
                                                                     3  What is the purpose of these two sentences?
                                                                        There are two main dangers and disadvantages
               It is becoming increasingly common for people to go online
                                                                        to buying things on the Internet.
               to buy  what they need rather than going to a shop or
                                                                        On the other hand, shopping for certain things on
               travel agent to do so. Although there are some dangers   the Internet has several points in its favour.
               and disadvantages to internet shopping. I believe that the
                                                                  0  Key grammar: Relative pronouns and relative clauses
               convenience often outweighs any drawbacks. There are
               two main dangers and disadvantages to buying things on   0  Underline any words and phrases in the sample
               the Internet. The one that attracts the most publicity is the   answer which you think might be useful when
               problem of internet fraud. Unless the website is secure.   you do a Writing task.
               hackers may be able to c.opy your credit card details and
                                                                     Exam advice      Writing Task  2
               steal your money A further disadvantage is that you
               cannot examine what you are buying until after you have   Each paragraph should cover a different aspect
               bought it This means you may sometimes buy something      of what you want to say.
               that  you do not really want On the other hand. shopping   •  If you're not sure how to begin a paragraph,
               for certain things on the Internet has several points in   start it with a short sentence saying what the
               its favour. The main one is its convenience. People  who   paragraph is about.
               want to compare products and prices can look at all this
                                                                  0  Work in pairs. Look at this Writing task
               information on a website without having to go from shop
                                                                     and brainstorm a list of advantages and
               to shop. Also. they can make their purchases at any time
               of day or night and from any part of the world. The other
               advantage is that because internet companies do not need
                                                                   Write about the following topic.
               a shop. the products  which  they sell are often cheaper All
               in all. I think that the advantages of using the Internet for   Some people decide to start their own business
                                                                   instead of working for a company or organisation.
               buying things such as books. computers and air tickets are
                                                                   Do the advantages  for people working for their own
               greater than the disadvantages. 1-towever. someone  that
                                                                   business outweigh the disadvantages?
               wants to buy c.lothes should visit shops because they need
               to see and touch them before buying them. and I would not   Give reasons for your answer and include any
               recommend purchasing them online.                   relevant examples from your own knowledge or

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