Page 71 - Complete IELTS Bands 5 - 6.5
P. 71

@ Underline the key ideas in Questions 1-5 (but not  0  Quickly read through Questions 6-10 and think
          options A-C).                                         about the type of word and type of information
                                                                that you will need.
           Questions 1-5

           Choose the correct letter,  A, B or C.               Questions 6-10
           1  What problem does Fumiko have with her            Complete the flow chart below.
             psychology project?                                Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS  for each
             A  She isn't interested in the topic.              answer.
             B  She can't find enough information.
             C  She doesn't know what to focus on.                              Fumiko's plan
          2  What point does Victor make about Fumiko's
             tutor?                                                    Define 6 .       using a diagram
             A  He explores his students' key interests.
             B  He is a very hard-working member of staff.              Background: relationships in the
             C  He uses a limited range of project titles.                    7 . ... .. ....   , e.g. apes
          3  What has Fumiko already read on her topic?                               'V
                                                                    Present an overview of the 8 .     for
             A  book extracts
                                                                      human relationships, e.g.  work, home
             B  journal articles
             C  internet material                                                     v
                                                                  Look at six 9      . involved in a friendship
          4  According to Mr Dresden, Fumiko's project
                                                                                 (plus survey)
             must include
             A  some graphic data.                                                    v
                                                                   Predict the future 10       on friendship
             B  a bibliography.
             C  a public survey.
          5  Victor and Fumiko arrange to
             A  get in contact in half an hour.              0  ~ Now listen and do Questions 1-10.
             B  meet up in the library.
                                                             (i) ~ Complete the speaker's signals for each of the
             C  have lunch together.
                                                                answers in Questions 6-10 by writing one word
                                                                in each gap. Then listen again to check your
        0  Speakers in IELTS Listening tests often use          answers.
          signals to help candidates know when the answer
                                                                 6  I think the very  ................. thing you need to do
          to a question is coming. Match Questions 1-5
                                                                   is  ...
          above to these signals (a-e) .
                                                                 7  After ..................  , you could do .. .
          a  The thing about Mr Dresden is . . .       D         8  'You mean ...  ?' 'Yes, .................. the word.'
          b  That's the trouble . . .                  ITl       9 The ..................  thing might be to .. .
          c  He said that the important thing was . . .   D     10  Why don't I ..  . ... ...  by ...  , or better still, ...
          d  Look, tell you what, I'll text you  . . .   D
          e  So what reading have you done so far?     D
                                                             f) Work in pairs. Take turns to speak for a minute
                                                                or two on this topic.
           Exam advice     Listening Sections 1-4
                                                                Describe someone who is a really good friend.  Say
           •  Look quickly at the number of tasks and the       who they are, how you met them and why they are
              number of questions in each task.                 such a good friend.
           •  Use the signals you hear and the key ideas you
              underline to help you answer the questions.
           •  Leave ~y questions you cannot do; try to
              answer them when the recording has finished.

                                                                                                  Relationships  ~
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