Page 67 - Complete IELTS Bands 5 - 6.5
P. 67

(!) Work in pairs. Look at the opening sentences     Key grammar
        below of paragraphs 2 and 3 of the Writing task.   Relative pronouns and relative clauses
         1  Discuss how you would complete the             0  Look at the highlighted words in the sample
           paragraphs.                                        answer in Writing Exercise 2. Which word:
        2  Working alone, write one of the paragraphs
                                                              1  is  used to refer to people?  wV..o
           using phrases you underlined in the sample
                                                              2  is  used to refer to things?
           answer in Exercise 2.
                                                              3  is used to refer to both people and things?
        3  When you have finished, compare what you
                                                              4  means the thing(s) which?
           have written with your partner.
        TV..e.n~. etre.  two  1'11-Cti-1-t  etdVet1-ttet es to stetrti1-t7f  ~o'!Ar   0  page 1 05  Relative clauses and relative pronouns
        ow-1-t  b'!Asi-1-tess  i-1-tsteetd  o-P  be'-1-to  e~'~~-p£~ed '&~   6 @ IELTS candidates often make mistakes with  or et1-tiSetti01-t.
                  0                                           relative clauses. Correct the mistake in each of
        0-1-t  tV..e  V..et1-td I'II.Ct1-t7J  peop£e  pre-Per  1-tot  to be   these sentences.
        seR.-P-e~'~~-p£o71ed or  to stetrt' tV..eir  ow-1-t  C.OI'II-pet1-t~ et-1-td   1  It is not difficult for young people to spend
        tV..e~  ive  .f'wo  reetS0-1-tS  -for  tV..JS.
              0                                                  money on whlelt they want.  wV..ett
      fj Work in pairs. Look at the Writing task below.       2  Internet shopping is not easy in places who do
                                                                 not have good delivery services.
        1  Brainstorm a list of advantages and
                                                              3  People from all walks of life generally like
                                                                 shopping, so shopping is one activity where
        2  Write a plan for your answer.
                                                                 families can enjoy doing together.
           •  Decide how many paragraphs you will
                                                              4  The Internet can also be used by people who
              need and what will be the subject of each
                                                                 they are travelling.
                                                              5  There has been continuous debate on the
           •  Think of examples and consequences to
                                                                 advantages and disadvantages of what we can
              support your points.
                                                                 do  on the Internet, especially those who are
           •  Decide what your opinion is and which
                                                                 related to buying things and using credit cards.
              paragraph(s) you will express it in.
                                                              6  We would like to spend our money on
                                                                 something what makes us happy.
        Write about the following topic.
                                                           @) Complete these sentences by writing who, which,
        Some suggest that young people should take a job      what or that in each gap. In some cases, more
        for a few years between school and university.        than one answer is possible.
        Discuss what the advantages and disadvantages         1  I like browsing in shops w~iG-h/t~.C\t sell the
        might be for people who do this.                        latest fashions.
                                                              2  Kiri doesn't enjoy shopping because she can
        Give reasons for your answer and include any             never afford .......................... she likes.
        relevant examples from your own knowledge or          3  There's an excellent boutique on Main Street
        experience.                                             ........................ always seems to have .......... ... .
                                                                I'm looking for.
                                                             4  People ... ........ ....... ... pay for their purchases with
      (l) Write your complete answer to the Writing task
                                                                a credit card often spend more than they should.
        in Exercise 7.  You should write at least 250 words.
                                                              5  .................... you can buy on this website are
                                                                things ... ...  .  . ......  you can't find in the shops.

                                                                                Making money, spending money @
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