Page 72 - Complete IELTS Bands 5 - 6.5
P. 72

Vocabulary                                            Reading  Section 2
             age(s) I  aged I  age group
                                                                   0  Work in pairs. How much do you remember about
             0  IELTS candidates often confuse these words:           the Reading Test? Say whether these statements
                age(s) I aged I age group. Read these dictionary      are true (T)  or false (F). If you think a statement
                extracts. Then circle the correct word in the         is false, correct it.
                sentences below from the Listening section.
                                                                      1  There are four sections to the Reading paper;
                                                                         each section has 13  questions.
                 age a noun that refers to the number of year~ someone has   2  You need to  understand the whole passage
                    lived, or that something has existed.                before doing any of the questions.
                    Tbe sbow appeals to people of all ages.           3  The answers do not have to be spelled correctly.
                    Sbe Lejt India at the age of  12.
                    Cbitdren under ten years of age must be accompanied   4  The passages gradually get harder.
                    by an aduLt.                                      5  You get extra time to transfer answers onto the
                                                                         answer sheet.
                                                                      6  Written answers must be copied exactly from
                 aged an adjecuve that mean. ·ha\'tng a parttcular age or   the reading passage.
                    age range·:
                    Tbey have one daughter, aged three.            6  Work in groups. You are going to read an article
                    Tbe toys are for children aged four to six.
                                                                      about lying. Before you read, discuss these questions.
                                                                      1  What things do people generally lie about?
                                                                      2  Why do people lie? What advantage do they
                 age group a noun that refers to people of a particular age
                    (note that the ages come first)                      gain from lying?
                    We should promde job training for people in the 16-24   3  How can you tell when someone is lying?
                    age group.
                                                                   @) Now read the passage and answer Questions 1-6
                1  I want to do a survey and interview some people    below and Questions 7-13 on page 72.
                   of different@:§/  age group.
                2  Are you going to target a particular group of
                                                                      Questions 1-6
                   age I age group?
                                                                      The reading passage has six paragraphs, A-F.
                3  Even toddlers aged 1 age 18  months or under
                   have relationships.                                Choose the correct heading for each paragraph
                4  I could examine the 21-30 age group 1 aged         from the list of headings below.
                5  It might be good to get some opinions from                         List of Headings
                   people over age I the age of 60.                          Some of the things liars really do
                                                                          ii  When do we begin to lie?
             6  @  These sentences each contain a mistake made
                                                                          iii  How wrong is it to lie?
                by IELTS candidates. Correct the underlined
                                                                          iv  Exposing some false beliefs
                mistakes by reorganising, changing or adding
                                                                           v  Which form of communication best
                                      tke.                                   exposes a lie?
                1  I met my best friend ~age of 16.                       vi  Do only humans lie?
                2  People ages between 35  and 40 have a wide            vii  Dealing with known liars
                   range of relationships.                               viii  A public test of our ability to spot a lie
                3  Many babies 10-20 months begin to form strong
                   relationships with siblings.                       1  Paragraph A ............  4  Paragraph D ..
                4  Most of the people I work with are in the 20-35    2  Paragraph B        5  Paragraph E ..
                   aged group.                                        3  Paragraph C ..............  6  Paragraph F
                5  Children in the age group 5 to  11  tend to change
                   their friends quite frequently.
                6  Relationships are very important for the group     Exam advice      Reading Sections 1-3
                   age 60 and above.
                                                                       •  If there are any questions you can't do, make a note
                                                                          of possible answers and come back to them later.
                                                                          Make sure you leave time to do the other questions.
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