Page 74 - Complete IELTS Bands 5 - 6.5
P. 74

0 @ IELTS candidates often make mistakes when
               Questions 7-10
                                                                    doing completion tasks. Here are some wrong
               Look at the following statements and the list of     answers to Questions 11-13. Why ~re they marked
               experiments below.                                   wrong? There may be more than one reason.
              Match each statement with the correct                   Q  answer          reason it was marked wrong
               experiment, A- C.
                                                                     11  body language  two  wor-ds  I  ~ -»01A-»  I  WY"O-»a
               You may use any letter more than once.                                   ~1-\SWe.Y"
                                                                     11  nervously
               7  Someone who was innocent was blamed for
                 something.                                          12  their feelings
              8  Those involved knew they were being                 12  themsleves
                                                                     12  feeling
               9  Some objects were damaged.
              10  Some instructions were ignored.                    13  real clues
                                                                     13  use
                            List of Experiments
                      A  the gorilla experiment                  0  Discuss these questions.
                      B  the experiment with children
                                                                    1  How do you feel when someone lies to you?
                      c  the TV experiment
                                                      1-            2  Are all lies equally wrong/ bad, or is lying
                                                                       sometimes justified?
               Exam advice      Matching features

                                                                 Speaking  Part 1
                •  Sometimes there are more questions than
                  options, so you will  need to use some of the   0  Work in pairs. How much do you remember about
                  options more than once.                           Speaking Part 1? Complete the sentences below
                •  Quickly locate and underline the options.        with a word from the box.
                  Read what the passage says about each option       fam11tar   five   question   three   vocabulary   word
                  carefully and match each question to one
                  option.                                           1  It can last up to ...... :fiv~ .....  minutes.
                                                                    2  The questions are about  .. ...........  topics.
                                                                    3  You should aim to answer in two or .
              Questions 11-13
              Complete the sentences below.                         4  It is important to use some topic-related
              Choose ONE WORD ONLY from the passage for             5  The examiner can explain a ..................... that you
              each answer.                                             don't understand.
                                                                    6  Each  . .  . ..... .. is  based on a theme, e.g.
             11  Filming liars has shown that they do not              shopping.
                 display ..................... behaviour.
                                                                 6 ~ Work in pairs. It can be useful to begin a
             12  Liars tend to avoid talking about their own
                                                                    Part 1 answer with an opening phrase, or
                                                                    'opener'. Listen to two people talking about the
             13  Signs of lying are exposed in people's ............. .
                                                                    same topic and answer these questions.
                 rather than their movements.
                                                                    1  How do the speakers begin their answers?
                                                                    2  Which speaker produces a better answer? Why?
               Exam advice     Sentence completion                  3  How does the opener help the better speaker?
               •  Copy the words you  need exactly.
                  Don't use too many words.
               •  Check that the completed sentence is
                  grammatically correct.

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