Page 78 - Complete IELTS Bands 5 - 6.5
P. 78

0  Work in pairs. Look at this task and discuss the   Key grammar
               questions in Exercise 2.                          Zero, first and second conditionals
                                                                 0  Work in pairs. Look at these extr:cts (1-3) from
               The charts below show the results of a survey on
                                                                    Dominic's answers to Speaking Exercise 5. Which
               happiness ratings for married and unmarried
                                                                    answer refers to something that:
              people in the US,  and the effect of children on the
               overall ratings of married couples.                  a  always happens?
                                                                    b  will probably happen?
              Summarise the information by selecting
                                                                    c  is not likely to happen?
               and reporting the main features,  and make
               comparisons where relevant.                          1  I'd do well if I worked harder.
                                                                    2  If I don't go out this evening, for example, I'll eat
                Happiness ratings: married and unmarried people
                                                                       dinner and chat with her.
                                                                    3  We meet up in the city if there's a birthday or
              90%                                                      something ...
              80%                                                6  What tenses are used in each sentence in Exercise I?

                                                                 0  page 106 Zero,  first and second conditionals
                                                                 @) Complete these sentences by writing the correct form
                                                                    of the verb in brackets.
                                                         34         1  My father's very decisive - if he says he's going to d
              30%                                                      something, he .~e.!J.1ti.,S   (mean)  it.
                                                    21              2  lf Jayne told the truth more often, people
                                                                       (like)  her better.
              10%                                                   3  If l         (be)  rich, I'd give a lot of money to
                                                                    4  You'll find it hard to write a good essay if you
                                                                               . (not plan) it first.
                 (  -  18-29   -  30-4 9                            5  If I take 50 driving lessons, I still .  .....  ....   (not
                                                                       pass)  my test.
                      Happiness ratings: married couples
              100%                                                  6  If politicians  .. .....  (stop)  talking, they might
                                                                       learn something!
                                                                     7  Where would you live if you        (have)  the
                   ---------------~ -
               80%                                                     choice?
                                                                    8  If I keep quiet about the mistake, no one
                                                                       (find out).
                                                                  () @  IELTS candidates often make mistakes using
                             44                                      conditional sentences. Correct the underlined errors
               40%                                                   in these sentences.
               30%                                                   1  Globalisation can only happen if people will all
                                                                       think the same way.  ~u t~A.i1tl.)(
                                                                     2  If people would agree with each other all the time,
               10%                                                     the world would be a boring place.
                                                                     3  Some youngsters think that if they leave home, the
                                                                       would be unhappy.
                                                                     4  Some people will not smile if they did not want to.
                    -   childrenunder18   -  childrenlB+only   no children   5  People have more friends if they were rich.
                                                                     6  If you only think about yourself, you never
                                                                       understood other people.
            €) Write your answer to the task in Exercise 7.  You
               should write at least ISO words.

           @ Unit7
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