Page 83 - Complete IELTS Bands 5 - 6.5
P. 83

f) Work in pairs. You are going to hear someone      €) Work in pairs. Underline the words or phrases in
         giving a lecture on a traditional Japanese form of   Questions 1-10 below that have a similar area of
         stitching called sashiko. Before you listen, work    meaning to these words from the script.
         in pairs and take turns to describe the items        1  translates as       6  dressed (in)
                                                              2  origins             7  skill
         I  What are they?  What features do they have in     3  material/cloth      8  no longer necessary
           common?                                            4  stitch together     9  nowadays
        2  Who do you think made them and why?                5  patterns           10  ancient garments
         3  Where would you expect to see them?
                                                           0  ~ Listen and answer Questions 1-10.

                                                              Questions 1-10
                                                              Complete the sentences below.
                                                              Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each
                                                              1  The word sashiko means ' ................. .'.
                                                              2  In the beginning, sashiko was .................. rather
                                                                 than decorative.
                                                              3  In the past, warm fabrics such as .................. were
                                                                 not available in some parts of Japan.
                                                              4  Warm clothes were produced by using sashiko
                                                                 to join     ..... of material.
                                                              5  Traditional sashiko designs included one called

                                                              6  In the towns of ancient Japan, workers such as
                                                                         wore sashiko garments.
                                                              7  It used to be essential for someone married to a
                                                                       ... to know how to do sashiko.
                                                              8  Sashiko was not needed when .................. began
                                                                 in northern Japan.
                                                              9  Modern sashiko patterns include stripes and
                                                             10  Unfortunately, .................. are not as interested in
                                                                 old clothes as in other ancient craft objects.

                                                               Exam advice     Sentence completion

                                                               •  The words in  the questions will  not always be
                                                                  exactly the same as what you  hear; listen for the
                                                                  same meaning.
                                                               •  You will  hear the exact word (s) you  need to
                                                                  complete the sentences.
                                                               •  Read the completed sentences to check they
                                                                  make sense.
                                                           0  Work in small groups.
         Exam information
                                                              1  Why is it important to preserve old  things from
          The words ~sed in  Listening questions are often       the past?
          synonyms or paraphrases of words used in the        2  What ancient things are kept in museums in
          script.                                                your culture?

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