Page 84 - Complete IELTS Bands 5 - 6.5
P. 84

Speaking  Parts 2 and 3                              0  (15\ ~ ~ Listen to David and Lin answering the
                                                                     questions from Exercise 3 and put a tick (I') or
             0  Work in pairs. How much do you remember
                                                                     cross (.X)  beside the appropriate ROints for each
                about Speaking Parts 2 and 3? Say whether these      question below.
                statements are true (T)  or false  (F). If you think a
                                                                            Who:                         David  Lin
                statement is false, correct it.
                                                                  question 1  a  presents benefits?              ./
               Part 2
                                                                              b  explains benefits?
                1  I can use my notes and the topic card during              c  keeps strictly to the
                  my talk.  T                                                   question?                 .X
               2  There is a choice of topics.                               d  structures their answer
               3  I need to talk about the points in order.                     clearly?
               4  It is a good idea to prepare a talk beforehand.   question 2  a  presents a view?
               5  1 can talk about myself.                                   b  gives reasons?
               6  I don't need to speak for the full two minutes.            c  uses general, not
                                                                                personal, arguments?
               Part 3
                                                                             d  structures their answer
               7  The questions are similar to Part l.                          clearly?
               8  Part 3 is longer than Part 1.                   question 3  a  makes comparisons?
               9  The questions gradually get more challenging.              b  supports points?
              10  I can ask the examiner to rephrase the question.           c  covers past and present?
                                                                             d  structures their answer
            6  Work in pairs. Look at this topic and discuss
               what you could say, making notes as you speak.
               Then change partners and take turns to give        0  Who do you think gives the best answer to each
               your talks.                                           question: David or Lin? Why?

               Describe a museum or exhibition that you           0  Pronunciation: Linking and pausing
               particularly enjoyed visiting.
                                                                  (i) Work in pairs. Take turns to ask and answer the
               You should say:
                                                                     questions from Exercise 3 yourselves. Give your
                  where the museum or exhibition is/was              partner feedback using the checklist in Exercise 4.
                  who you went with
                  what you saw there                              f) Work in pairs. Take turns to ask and answer
               and explain why you enjoyed visiting this             these questions.
               museum or exhibition.
                                                                     Fashion and history
            @) Work in pairs. Read the questions below and           •  Why do many people like to  wear fashionable
               decide which one(s) invite you to:                       clothes?
                  a  make comparisons.                               •  How do fashions vary for different age groups?
                  b  provide a number of advantages.                 •  What factors  cause adult fashions to  change?
                  c  support an opinion with reasons.
               Then discuss how you could answer each of them.       Exam advice      Speaking Part 3

                                                                      •  Listen carefully to the question: you may have
               Museums and education
                                                                        to compare I  explain I  list points I give an
               1  What benefits can schoolchildren gain from            argument, etc.
                  visiting museums?
                                                                      •  Make sure your answer is clear, relevant and
               2  How do you think most children feel about
                                                                        well developed.
                  visiting a museum?
                                                                      •  Try to use a range of vocabulary and sentence
               3  Are museums more educational now than they
                  were when your parents were young?

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