Page 85 - Complete IELTS Bands 5 - 6.5
P. 85

ronunciation                                       Writing  Task 2
       Linking and pausing
                                                            0  Work in pairs. How much do you remember
                                                               about Writing Task 2? Choose the correct options
        Speakers tend to link certain words together and
        pause between others. This gives their speech          in each of these sentences.
        a characteristic rhythm and flow,  and helps the       1  You should allow 30 I 40 minutes to write your
        listener follow  what they say.                           answer.
                                                               2  You get twice as many marks as I  the same
                                                                  marks as Task 1 for this answer.
         ~ Listen to this extract from one of David's
         answers in Speaking Exercise 4 and answer the         3  If you write fewer than 250 words, you will lose
                                                                  marks 1 it doesn't matter.
         question below.
                                                               4  You  must I  needn't give your own opinion.
              Museums are sometimes a bit expensive, but if the   5  You should try to I  needn't express opinions the
              school pays, it's OK and there's such a lot to see.   examiner will agree with.
                                                               6  Paragraphing is I is not important.
         Where does he tend to  link words?                    7  It is better to keep your language simple but
         a  Between words which end with a vowel and              correct I  try to use complex language and risk
            begin with a consonant                                making mistakes.
         b  Between words which end with a consonant and
            begin with a vowel                              6  Work in pairs. Underline the two opinions you
                                                               have to deal with in this task.
       6  Work in pairs. Look at part of Lin's answer to
         Questions I and 3 in Speaking Exercise 3.
                                                               Write about the following topic.
          I  Which words would you link when speaking?
                                                               Some people argue that fashion items cost too
            Underline them.
                                                               much money. Others say that this is acceptable
         2  Where would you pause when speaking?               because fashion is an important part of life.
            Put I  bet ween the words.
                                                               Discuss both these views and give your own
             First of all, they can experience things directly ...
             you know, they're not in the classroom any more,   Give reasons for your answer and include any
             they're in a different environment.               relevant examples from your own knowledge or
             I don't think there's any doubt that museums are
             much better at educating children now ...  In the   8  Work in small groups. Discuss how these people
             past, I think museums had a different function,   might feel about the opinions in Exercise 2.
             um they were just places to keep ancient objects
                                                               I  a celebrity          4  a parent
             like coins or pots, but now they're .. . well, there
                                                               2  a teenager           5  a fashion designer
             are many interactive displays.
                                                               3  a young adult        6  an elderly person
       @) ~ Listen and check your answers to Exercise 2.
         When you have finished, take turns to read Lin's
         answers aloud.

                                                                                             Fashion and design  @
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