Page 89 - Complete IELTS Bands 5 - 6.5
P. 89

Vocabulary and grammar review Unit 8

       Vocabulary                                           €) Complete these sentences with dress, dresses, cloth
                                                               or clothes.
       0  Match the words from the Reading passage on
          page 78  (I-8)  with a synonym (a-h).                I  If Marc had more money, he could afford some
                                                                  new  q.fof!Ae.s  .
          I  ability               a  well known
                                                               2  It's formal     ...  at the party tonight, so I'm
          2  famous                b  garments
                                                                  going to wear my suit.
          3  clothes               c  new
                                                               3  Different textiles are woven into  ............. using a
          4  extraordinary         d  connection
                                                                  machine called a  loom.
          5  seen                  e  skill
                                                               4  There are many different styles of    .... for
          6  fresh                 f  state
                                                                  women, to suit a range of different occasions.
          7  condition             g  observed
                                                               5  Fortunately, the       that was used to make
          8  link                  h  unusual
                                                                  these curtains is fire-resistant.
       f) Complete these sentences with words connected        6  The shop sells a  variety of hand-made  ..... ...... .
          with fashion and design, then use the words to          for men and women.
          complete the crossword below.                        7  Some women prefer to wear skirts and tops to
          1  You should wear  s.~~r-t  clothes to the
                                                               8  People can sometimes find it hard to throw away
             graduation ceremony.
                                                                  their old  .
          2  I've bought some beautiful silk     . to make
             a shirt.
          3       . .  often set the trends for young people.   Grammar
          4  More and more businesswomen are wearing a
                                                             () Circle the correct verb in each sentence. Then
                     to work.
                                                                underline the time conjunctions.
          5  The school         was very expensive.
          6  Are you  ...    yet?  It's time to go out.         I  When you don't have much money, it @ 1 will be
          7  The ..      is a traditional Indian garment for      hard to  afford new clothes.
             women.                                            2  I'm not leaving this shop until I will buy I have
          8  Jeans have been .     .  ..  for many years.         bought something.
                                                               3  Sashiko had a functional purpose before it has
                                                                  become 1 became a decorative art form.
                                                               4  The textiles are spun into cloth after they have
                                                                  been I  were dyed.
                                                                5  Woollen fabrics sometimes shrink when you
                                                                  wash I washed them.
                                                                6  It's important to check the quality of a garment
                                                                  before you will buy I  buy it.
                                                                7  Until I went to India, I have had I had no idea
                                                                  how colourful the traditional clothes were.
                                                                8  When I go 1 have been to the fashion museum,
                                                                  I'll go shopping.
                                                                9  I promise we I  we'll go out after the show has

                                                                          Vocabulary and grammar review  Unit 8  @
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