Page 87 - Complete IELTS Bands 5 - 6.5
P. 87

6  Join each pair of sentences using the conjunction
                                                                in brackets and starting with the words given.
                                                                You may need to reorganise the sentence and add,
                                                                change or remove some words.
                                                                1  New fashions reach the shops. Prices often go
                                                                   up.  (when)
                                                                   When new fashions  re.MIA  tiAe.  .s1Aops prices
                                                                   o-He.11L  o 1Ap.
                                                                2  Staff must leave the building first. Then they can
                                                                  smoke.  (until)
                                                                  Staff cannot ...
                                                                3  You  wear casual clothes to work. Then it is hard
                                                                   to wear a suit.  (after)
                                                                   After you ...
                                                                4  The sales start. Then some people go shopping.
       ® Write an answer to the task in Exercise 9. You
                                                                   Some people ...
          should write at least 250 words.
                                                                5  Employees put on a uniform. They all look the
                                                                   same. (when)
           Exam advice      Writing Task 2
                                                                   Employees all ...
           •  Check how many opinions you should write
                                                                6  Customers spent less money on clothes. Designer
                                                                   brands were introduced.  (before)
           •  Consider who might have the opinions and             Before designer brands  ...
              express them using your own words.                7  I spend all my money. I go home.  (when)
           •  Make your own opinion clear, too.                    When I ...
           •  Summarise your points and draw a conclusion.   E) IELTS candidates often make mistakes with
                                                                tenses following time conjunctions. Circle the
                                                                correct verb form in each of these sentences.
        Key grammar                                             1  I go shopping when I was ; @@upset by
       Time conjunctions: until/ before/when/ after                somebody.
                                                                2  The customer was aware of the price before she
       0  Complete these sentences by writing a                    buy I  bought the dress.
          conjunction (until, before,  when or after) in each   3  After graduate I we graduate, we need to
          gap. Then check your answers by referring to the         compete for a good job.
          sample answer on page 84.                             4  We must set goals and not stop until achieved I
                                                                   we achieve them.
          1   W.lrc~:11 .  you read magazines these days, you see
                                                                5  When children will grow up I grow up, they face
             many advertisements for the latest fashions.
                                                                   many problems.
          2          youngsters start work, they depend on
                                                                6  Some parents don't want their children to work
             their parents for  money.
                                                                   before they reach I will reach adulthood.
          3          they have started earning money, young
             adults can still find it hard to afford fashionable
          4  Teenagers look forward to doing this
             they have their own income.
          5  You  cannot criticise .   . ..  you have seen how
             hard it is to be original.

        0  page 1 Ol" .. Time con;unct10ns

                                                                                              Fashion and design  @
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