Page 90 - Complete IELTS Bands 5 - 6.5
P. 90

Speaking reference

          What to expect in the exam                            Topics and questions
                                                                Match each of these questions (1-12) to a topic (a-1).
          The Speaking Test is normally held on the same day as the
          other tests. It is the last part of the exam.          1  Do you prefer to study by yourself or in a class? Why?  [ill
          •  The Speaking Test lasts 11-14 minutes and has three   2  Which form of transport did you use last?   0
             parts.                                              3  When did you  last celebrate something in your home?  0
          •  You do the test on your own.                        4  How often do you watch a play or film?      0
          •  There is one examiner in the room who gives you the   5  Are there any sports you want to play in the future?  0
             instructions, asks the questions and assesses your
                                                                 6  Do you do the same activities every day?    0
                                                                 7  What special types of dish are there in your culture?  0
          •  It is recorded for administrative purposes.
                                                                 8  How did you find out about the news last week?   0
                                                                 9  Have you ever lived in a different place?   0
          Part 1: Introduction and interview
                                                                10 What influences the way you dress?           0
          Part 1  lasts between four and five minutes. It consists of:
                                                                11  Do you plan to go on holiday in the future?   0
          •  a short introduction in which the examiner asks you   12 Have the weather patterns changed recently in your  0
             your name and where you come from, and checks your   country?
          •  some initial questions about what you do or where you   Typical Part 1 topics
             live;                                              a  Forms of entertainment   g  Health and fitness
          •  some questions on  topics such as your hobbies and   b  Fashion                h  Family occasions
             activities. places you know, family celebrations, holidays,
                                                                c  Daily routines              Cooking
                                                                d  Education and learniflg   j   Your home town or city
          You studied and practised Part 1 in Units 1 and 7.
                                                                e  The media                k  Daily travel
          How to do Part 1                                      f  Tourism                     The seasons
          1  Listen carefully to each question the examiner asks you.
             Think about the topic and the tenses that you need to
             use.                                               Work in pairs. Discuss which of these tenses you would be
          2  Give relevant replies and try to provide some reasons for   likely to use to answer each question 1-12 above.
             your answer.                                       Tense                          Question
          3  Aim to answer each question in about two or three   a  Present simple             1,  .. .
                                                                b  Present continuous
          4  Don't memorise answers. but make sure you  know the
                                                                c  Past simple
             sort of topics that are often used in Part 1 and learn
                                                                d  Present perfect
             some vocabulary related to these.
          5  Speak clearly so that the examiner can hear and    Then take turns to ask and answer the questions.
             understand you.
          6  Try to look confident and relaxed; look at the examiner
             when you are speaking.                             Part 2: long turn
          7  If you don't understand a question ask the examiner to   Part 2 lasts between three and four minutes. The examiner
             repeat it: I'm sorry,  could you repeat the question, please?   gives you  a topic to talk about. The topic is written down
                                                                and includes some bullet points to guide you. The examiner
                                                                also gives you some paper and a pencil. You have one
                                                                minute to prepare for the talk and two minutes to give the
                                                                talk. When you have finished, the examiner may ask you a
                                                                short yes/no question about the talk.
                                                                You studied and practised Part 2 in Units 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8.
         @  Complete IELTS  Bands 5-6.5
   85   86   87   88   89   90   91   92   93   94   95