Page 92 - Complete IELTS Bands 5 - 6.5
P. 92

Useful language                                      How are you rated?
             Starting your response                               The examiner listens very carefully to your speech and gives
                                                                  you a Band Score from 1 to 9 for the whof.r test. This means
             I think that ...
                                                                  that the three parts are not rated separately. However, there
             Well, in  my view/opinion,                           are levels of performance that you  need to reach in order to
                                                                  achieve a certain  band.
             Giving reasons
                                                                  As the examiner is talking to you, he/she considers these
             This is because ...
             This is why ...
                                                                  1  How long are your answers? How well can you link your
             The main reason is ...                                  ideas and structure your points?
                                                                  2  How much vocabulary can you use, and how accurate
             Comparing and contrasting
                                                                     is it?
             In the past, .. but nowadays .. .
                                                                  3  How many grammatical structures can you use, and  how
             Many years ago,  ... but now .. .                       accurate are they?
             However,  ...                                        4  How well can you use standard features of
             On the other hand,  ...                                 pronunciation?
             While ...
             Agreeing/Disagreeing                                 Here are some things you should try to do in the Speaking
             I agree that ...                                     Test. Match each of them (a-j) to one the questions above
             I'm not sure I agree that .. I  I don't think/believe that ...
                                                                  a  be understood, even though you  make grammatical
                                                                  b  give quite long answers in Part 3
            In pairs, read these instructions and discuss the sample
                                                                  c  be understood, even though some words are
            questions. Think about what sort of reply you need to give
            and write down some useful vocabulary.
                                                                  d  use a range of different words and phrases
             Examiner's instructions
                                                                  e  use a range of linkers
             We've been talking about a new country/town you have
                                                                  f  use some accurate intonation and stress
             visited and I'd like to ask you one or two more general
             questions related to this. Let's consider first of all moving to   g  be understood, even though you sometimes use the
                                                                    wrong word
             a new place.
                                                                  h  paraphrase when you cannot find the right word
             •  Can you tell me some reasons why someone might have
                to go to a new city or country?                      use a mix of simple and complex sentences
             •  What sort of things would you organise before going   pause naturally as you speak
                somewhere new?
             •  Is it easier to go somewhere new now than it used to be   Preparing for the Speaking Test
                in the past? Why?
                                                                  Part 1
             Let's move on to talk about living in a new place.
                                                                  •  Build up a list of vocabulary that will help you to talk
             •  What sort of changes might you have to deal with when   about the topics that are often used in this part of the
                you move to a new place?                            test. Start by looking back at page 88 and underlining
             •  How can these changes affect people?                the topic vocabulary in the questions. You can also go
             •  What is the best way to get used to circumstances that   back to Units 1 and 7 and note down some vocabulary
                                                                    from the exercises.
                are different?
                                                                  •  Practise making statements about yourself in relation
            Ask each other the questions. Try to give extended answers.   to Part 1 topics, e.g. talk about your likes, dislikes and
                                                                    preferences; your activities and when you do them; what
                                                                    you are studying and why; your favourite shop I animal I
                                                                    type of clothing; things you did as a child; where you
                                                                    would like to live/travel in the future, etc.

           @  Complete IELTS Bands 5-6.5
   87   88   89   90   91   92   93   94   95   96   97