Page 86 - Complete IELTS Bands 5 - 6.5
P. 86

(') Read the sample answer below and find two         0  Find six other phrases in the sample answer
              sentences that introduce the opinions expressed       in Exercise 4 which introduce opinions, and
              in the task. Then underline the sentences that        write them in the correct column 4n the table
              express the writer's own opinion.                     in Exercise 5.
                                                                 f) The sample answer in Exercise 4 is missing a
          Throughout history. people have always been interested in   concluding paragraph. Which of these items
          fashion. When you read rnagazines these days. you see rnany   would be appropriate for this part of the essay?
          advertisements for the latest fashions. and sorne of these are
                                                                    1  a statement expressing your personal opinion
          very expensive. So, is this a good thing?                 2  a repetition of the argument in paragraph 2
          Sorne people say that prices should be lower in shops, and l   3  a reference to  the views of people not mentioned
          can understand their point of view. Before youngsters start   previously in the essay
          work. they depend on their parents for rnoney. Although rnany   4  a summary of the views discussed in the essay
                                                                    5  a quote
          parents are not wealthy. they are often pressurised into buying
                                                                    6  a new argument about the subject
          things like designer jeans for their children. After they have
                                                                    7  a logical link to  the previous paragraph
          started earning rnoney. young adults can still find it hard to afford
          fashionable clothes because they are saving up for other iterns.   G) Which items 1-7 from Exercise 7 can you find in
          1-towever, t here are other people who say they are happy to pay   this concluding paragraph?
          for designer clothes. Teenagers look forward to doing this when   A£tko1A(jk  dotke.s. kP-ve.  B1Aite.  e.Xpe.1-1.s.ive.  1
          they have their own incorne. C...elebrities have plenty of rnoney.   :L  tki1-1-K t  is e.1-1.01A(jk  ckoice.  tke.s.e.  dP.~S .for
          so they rnight say that they do not worry about how rnuch clothes  kP-ve.  to be.  s.hict witk
          cost. They know they  need to look after their irnage while they   ckiidre.-1-1.  P.bo1At  wkP.t  tke.Jt CP-1-1.  P.-Hord,  P-1-1-d  people.
          are farnous. Surely fashion designers would also argue that the   kMe.  t o b1A(j  witki-1-1. b 1Ad(je.t.
          cost is fine. According to people in the fashion business. you
          cannot criticise until you have seen how hard it is to be original   0  Key grammar:  Time conjunctions: until/before/when/after
          and set new trends.
                                                                 0  Work in small groups. Look at this Writing task.
          Personally. l think the question depends on how irnportant   Write a list of people or organisations who would
          fashion is to you. lfyou are not interested in fashion, you needn't   have opinions on each side of the issue, then write
          spend a lot of rnoney because these days there are rnany clothes   a plan for your answer.
          shops around. On the other hand. if you like to look good, you
          have to buy fewer clothes and pay rnore rnoney for thern.   Write about the following topic.
                                                                    Some organisations believe that their employees
                                                                    should dress smartly.  Others value quality of work
           0  Work in pairs. Write these phrases introducing        above appearance.
              opinions in the correct column of the table below.
                                                                    Discuss both these views and give your own
              Other people d1sagree.   X may argue that             opinion.
              According to X,  . . .   In X's opinion, .
              Personally, I agree.                                  Give reasons for  your answer and include any
                                                                    relevant examples from your own knowledge or
              A  suggesting  B  giving   c  introducing  D  giving   experience.
                what might   a clear     an opposing   someone
                be someone   opinion of   argument    else's view
                else's view   your own
                                                    i-1-1.  'f-.'s.

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