Page 82 - Complete IELTS Bands 5 - 6.5
P. 82

Questions 11-14                                        clothes (n) [plural]  Items that are worn, such as skirt,
                                                                        trousers, socks, etc. Clothes is always plural:
              Complete each sentence with the correct ending,
                                                                        I packed my clothes in the suitcase.
              A-F,  below.
                                                                        I need some new clothes.
              11  Pictures will be used
              12  A special machine will be used
              13  A net material has been selected                   dress (n)  [C] an item of clothing worn by women
              14  Work will be visible on one side                   dress (n) [UJ  a style of clothing, e.g.formal dress. traditional
                                                                        dress, etc.

               A  to show how the team did the repairs on the
                  dress.                                         f) @  Four of these sentences contain mistakes
               B  to reduce the time taken to repair the dress.     made by IELTS candidates; one is correct. Find
               C  to remove the dirt from the top layer of the      and correct the mistakes.
                  dress.                                            1  Young men and women tend to wear similar
               D  to demonstrate the quality of the team's work        dresses.  dotiAe.s
                  on the dress.                                     2  People need shelter, cloth to wear and food to
               E  to match a quality of the original fabric used       eat.
                  in the dress.                                     3  Famous people attract thousands of fans, who
               F  to help show where the dress needs repair            imitate their style of dresses.
                  work.                                             4  People who travel may adopt the culture,
                                                                       dresses and customs of another country.
                                                                    5  Indian saris are usually made using very
               Exam advice     Matching sentence endings               colourful cloth.

                                                                 €) Work in pairs. Take turns to ask and answer
                  Underline the key words in the questions and
                                                                    these questions.
                  use these to find the right place in the passage.
                  (You will find them in the same order.)           1  How important is  fashion to  you?
                  Read the completed sentences to check they        2  When did you last buy some new clothes?
                  make sense.                                       3  Have you ever had your clothes made for you?
                                                                    4  What's the oldest item of clothing that you own?
           dress (uncountable) I dress(es) (countable) I         listening  Section 4
           clothes I cloth                                       0  Work in pairs. How much do you remember
                                                                    about the Listening Test? Complete the sentences
           0  IELTS candidates often confuse these words:
                                                                    below with the words in the box.
              dress I dresses I clothes I cloth. Circle the correct
              word in each of these two sentences from the          answers   break   correct   tmee   one
              Reading passage. Then check your answers by           questions   ten   ten
              reading the definitions below.
                                                                    1  You hear the script   011c.e.
              1  She was dressed in the most extraordinary cloth I
                                                                    2  You have time to read the      . before the
                 clothes ever to have graced a British stage.          start of each section.
              2  Zenzie loves historical dress I dresses because of   3  There is no    . .. in Section 4.
                 the link with the past.                            4  There are  .   .. ..  questions in every section.
                                                                    5  There is   .  ... mark per question.
               Cloth (n) [U] material that can be u~ed to make clothes and   6  You will hear the .   . ....... in the same order as
                                                                       the questions.
                  The cloth used to make this dress was very expensive.
                                                                    7  Spellings must be . ..  ..   . .
                                                                    8  At the end of the test, you get   ... minutes
                                                                       to complete the answer sheet.

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