Page 75 - Complete IELTS Bands 5 - 6.5
P. 75

@) Work in pairs. Match each of these 'openers' (1-5)      c  describe what X looks like
        with their function (a-e).                               d  use words that have a similar meaning to X
                                                                 e  explain how X makes you feel
        1  That's an interesting question.  d
                                                                 f  describe what X is used for or does
        2  Let me see ... it's hard to remember ...
                                                                 g  give a definition of X
        3  I'm sorry, could you repeat the question?
        4  It depends on what you mean by ... If you mean   ~ (1i\ Listen to some students paraphrasing words
           ... ,then ...                                      they have forgotten or do not know and answer
        5  Generally speaking, I ...                          these questions.
        a  needs some thinking time                           1  Which picture shows what each student is
        b  can interpret the question in different ways          paraphrasing?
        c  wants to  talk about what usually happens or       2  Which strategy/strategies from Exercise 7 does
           what he/she usually does/feels                        each student use to paraphrase?
        d  likes the question or is amused by it
        e  hasn't fully understood the question

     () Look at these Part 1 questions. Which one(s) can
        you answer quickly without needing an opener?
        Which 'openers' from Exercise 3 could you use
        with the other questions?

        1  Do you come from a large or small family?
        2  When did you last visit relatives?
        3  What don't you like about visiting relatives?
        4  Who in your family has been most successful?
        5  Do you think you're similar to this person?

     0  page 74  Pronunciation: Sentence stress 3

     0  ~ Listen to Dominic answering the questions in
        Exercise 4. Which 'openers' does he use?

      0 Work in pairs. Take turns to ask and answer
        these questions on friendship using openers.

        1  Are friends important to you? Why? I  Why
        2  How often do you go out with friends?
        3  How do you communicate with friends?
        4  What makes someone a special friend?
        5  Did you have a lot of friends when you were
           a child?
                                                           0  Work in pairs. Take turns to interview each other
                                                              using the questions in Exercise 4.
      0 ~ Listen again to Dominic.
                                                              Exam advice      Speaking Part 1
        1  Which of these words does Dominic not know?
           a park              c suburbs                       •  Use openers to avoid hesitation and  repetition.
           b underground       d countryside                   •  Paraphrase when you can't think of the word (s).
        2  Dominic uses other language to express the          •  Use stress to emphasise points or make a
           word that he doesn't know (X).  Which two of           contrast.
           these paraphrasing strategies does he use?
                                                               •  If you don't understand a question, ask the
           a  state what X is not
                                                                  examiner to repeat it.
           b  explain what X is made of
                                                                                                Relationships  @
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