Page 76 - Complete IELTS Bands 5 - 6.5
P. 76

P o  unciation                                       Writing  Task 1
          Sentence stress 3
                                                                0  Work in pairs. How much do you remember
                                                                   about Writing Task I? Choose the cb rrect option
            Speakers use stress to emphasise a point they are
                                                                   to complete each of these sentences.
            making and show that it is important or that they
            feel strongly about it. They also use stress to make   1  You  should allow 20 I  25 minutes to write your
            a contrast and show how points differ.                    answer.
                                                                   2  There will always 1 not always be a chart to
          0  ~ Listen to these two sentences from Dominic's
             interview and underline the stressed words in         3  You should I  should not copy the headings.
                                                                   4  You should I should not include data in your
             1  When I was younger, I hated going to see them -
                                                                   5  You should I  should not give your opinion on the
                yeah - I thought it was so boring.                    diagrams.
             2  My sister's very hard-working. She knows what      6  You should use your own words I  words from  the
                she wants, whereas I'm still trying to make some      question paper as far as possible.
                decisions about that.                              7  If you have a diagram question, you need I do

             In which sentence (I  or 2)  does Dominic use            not need to write an overview.
             stress to emphasise how strongly he felt?  In which   6  Work in pairs. Look at the task below.
             sentence does he use stress to make a contrast?
                                                                   1  How are the graph and the chart linked? What
          6 ~ Look at these extracts from another student's           features do they have in common?
             interview. Underline the words you would stress       2  What trends does the graph show?
             for emphasis and the words you would express for      3  What trends does the chart show?
             contrast. Then listen and check your answers.         4  What overall conclusions can you draw from
                                                                      each one?
             1  Being an only child has its advantages - I mean,
                                                                   5  Which would you describe first?
                I get all my parents' attention.
             2  Before I left home and came here to study, I used
                to visit my grandparents about twice a week, but   The graph below and the chart on the next page
                now it's much more difficult.                      show the answers people gave about the extent to
             3  My gran, who lives on her own, is always so        which they are satisfied with their lives and what
                pleased to see me.                                 they think would make them happiest.
             4  Both my parents are architects, but my  mum
                                                                   Summarise the information by selecting
                gets more work than my dad!
                                                                   and reporting the main features,  and make
          €) Think about how you could answer these                comparisons where relevant.
             questions. Write down some ideas you could
                                                                          How satisfied are you with your life?
             emphasise and some you could contrast.
                                                                      score on a 1- 7 scale
             Example: I 1  :r: re.~t~£.~kr ~}t £et~&(5'.s  bwtkdc~.:(1.s 1   5.6
             !Yut o-fte.1'l  -for- e.t ~lJ £rie.1't.d.s'  birtMetlj.s·
                          0                                      5.5
             1  How good are you at remembering other people's
             2  Do you arrive on time when you arrange to meet
                someone? Why? I  Why not?                        5.2
             3  How do you feel if someone is late meeting you?   5.1
             4  When was the last time you forgot something
             5  What do you do if you need to remember           4.9  1..----------:----r---------
                something?                                          ~ 21-30 )      (  31-40 )  (  41-50 )  ~ 61-70 )
          0  Work in small groups and take turns to ask and
                                                                     ---- male               fem~ Source: British
             answer the questions in Exercise 3.                    ~-----------=--) Household Panel Survey
         @ Unit7
   71   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81