Page 39 - Oxford Grammar for Schools 2 Student Book
P. 39

Questions and short answers                                          *8              Complete the questions and answers.
                                                                                             Then practise in pairs.

                                                                                   ÿ  Move     you got         a mobile phone?
            Question                      Short answer
                                                                                      Yes, Ihave
                                         Yes, I have.
            Have Igot?                                                             1  _        your dad    _        a bike?
                                          No, I haven't.                                      __
                                                                                      No, he
                                         Yes, you have.                               _
            Have you got?                                                          2           you and your friends               lots of
                                          No, you haven't.
                                         Yes, he has.                                          __
            Has he got?                                                               Yes, we
                                          No, she hasn't.                                            _
                                                                                   3  _        Tom            long hair?
                                         Yes, she has.
            Has she got?                                                              No, he
                                          No, she hasn't.                                     --

                                         Yes, it has.                              4  _        your parents             a car?
            Has it got?                                                                          __
                                                                                      Yes, they
                                          No, it hasn't.                              _             _
                                                                                                             any pets?
                                         Yes, we have.                             5        __
            Have we got?
                                          No, we haven't.                             No,I
                                         Yes, you have.                            6  _        Maya          _fair hair?
            Have you got?
                                          No, you haven't.                            Yes, she
                                         Yes, they have.
            Have they got?                                                     ÿ
                                          No, they haven't.                  * o 8.4 Listen and complete the questionnaire.                  O

        *7 O8.3 Match the questions 1-6 with the
              answers a-g. Listen and check.                                              1 brothers or sisters?              no
              ÿ  Have you got any money, Sam?                    O                       2 pets?
                                                                                         3 TV in your bedroom?
              1 Has Lucy got a brother?
                                                                                         4 mobile phone?

              2 Have you and your friends got a football?                                5 favourite band?

              3 Have your grandparents got a big house?
                                                                             £10             Work in pairs. Ask and answer the
                                                                                             questions in the questionnaire.Then
              4 Have Igot blue eyes?
                                                                                             te// the class about your partner.

             5 Has your dad got a motorbike?                                        /"lave you got any brothers or sisters, Joe?

             6 Has the cat got its dinner?                                                             Yes, I Aove. I've got a brother.
                                                                                                               Wis name is Worry.

             a No, they haven't.
              b No, Ihaven't. Sorry.                                                 Joe's Qot a brother,      his name is Worry.
             c Yes, we have.Thanks.                                               ÿ---
             d No, he hasn't.
             e Yes, it has. It's happy.
             f   No, you haven't.They're green.
             g No, she hasn't.

                                                                                                                                  Unit 8    39
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