Page 44 - Oxford Grammar for Schools 2 Student Book
P. 44

*  5 Put the words in order to make sentences and                    *  7 Write the correct form of the verb in brackets.           O
                                                                                   ÿ  My brother loves cliÿbino (climb) trees.
              ÿ  go / would / Katy / to / now / like / home                        1 Do you like    _        (buy) clothes?
                 fcafy Wou\A like to go home now.                                  2 I want   _        (have) guitar lessons.

              1 to /TV/ 1/ tonight / watch / want                                  3 Maya doesn't like      _        (clean) her room.
                                                                                   4 My mum hates       _ (drive).
              2 my / come / Do / you / to / to / party / want                      5 We'd like   _        (go) shopping.

              3 to / friend / my / 1/ phone / would like                      58             Complete the table.Tell your partner
                                                                                             what you love,like,don't like and hate.

              4 read / this / you / to / Would / book / like                             I like reading. )     f  I '¿>ve  popping
                                                                                                                     ÿfor  cioflnes.

              5 homework / want / don't / my / 1/ to / now / do

                                                                                                          love like don't like hate
        * 6 Complete with the conversation with the
              correct form of the verb in brackets.                                  read                          ÿ

                U -J   _                                                             watch TV

                    lKiWlll                                                          play sport
                       My messages

                                                                                     get up early
                    Hi!Would you like to come            (come) to
                    my house tomorrow?
                                                                                     tidy my room

                    Sure. Do you want \                  (watch) a
                    DVD?                                                             shop for clothes

                    No. I've got a new computer game. I                              go to the
                    want             (try) it.Would you like                         cinema
                    3 _            (play) it with me?
                                                                             £ 9 Work in pairs. Student A turn to page 135.
                                                                             *     Student B turn to page 138.
                    Yes, I'd like4_             (play) it. But
                    Idon't want s.              _  (do) that all day.

                                                                                    1  Self-evaluation Rate your progress, j
                    OK. Do you want 6_                 (go)
                                                                                                   ÿ              & &           S -& S
                    swimming too.

                    Good idea. See you tomorrow. Bye.


       44     -ing form or to + base form
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