Page 81 - Oxford Grammar for Schools 2 Student Book
P. 81

#ÿ                        Question words: Where ...?When ...?

             IM Why ...? How ...?

                                    T rnn rorAnn¡7fl nnH i ico utharo i*ikan ixiki innrl koi»/
                                    I can recognize and use where, when, why and how.

        Where,when, why, how

                               Why are you later

                                                                                         Where's your homework?

                    When did     you get up?

                      t\oW did   you get here?

                                                          Why are you laughing?                       (Because) this book is funny.
            Questions about reason             why
                                                          Why do you need an umbrella?                (Because) it's raining!
                                                          When does this lesson end?                  At twelve o'clock.
            Questions about time               when
                                                          When did you go to France?                  Last summer.

                                                          How do you go to school?                   I walk.
            Questions about manner             how
                                                          How did he know the answer?                 He used the internet!
                                                         Where do you live?                          In London.
            Questions about place              where
                                                         Where's the cat?                             Behind the chair.


        *1             O 17.1 Listen and repeat.Then practise in pairs.Change the words in red.

              1                                                                     ÿ
                 f Where's your hag? jf It's            ur\¿er the Aesk.              '  When's your birthAay? ) (             April 15th.

           ÿ  Why    do  you study English?       J      Because I like             ÿ           ÿ °       ÿ °    scÿ°°ÿ     J

                                                                                                                                Unit 17     81
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