Page 83 - Oxford Grammar for Schools 2 Student Book
P. 83

        *5 O 17.2 Listen and repeat.                                         *8 Choose the correct answer.

                                          I'm -fine, thanks.                       ÿ When does school start?
                  how are you?                                                        a  0    At 8.30.
                                                                                      b ( ] InBirmingham.
                                          Very Well. An¿      you?
                                                                                      c ÿ Yes, it does.

                                                                                   1 Why are they running?
              f HoW old are you?               IV,  25. )
                               -                                                      a ÿ Because they're late for school.
                                                                                      b [_] Yes, they are.
                                                                                      c  O    They're going home.
                how    ¿o  you jpell your name?
                                                                                   2 How about some music?
                                                                                      a ÿ Idon't like it.
                                  A-N-N-A          3 -R-O-W-NJ                        b ÿ Yes, good idea.

                                                                                      c  LJ   Ilike pop music.
                                                 ÿooá    ideo.                     3 How are you?
                 Jiow about (playing           y
                   a  5¿>me  of cards'?                                               a (   J  Yes, I am.
                                               r A/o; thanks.                         b [ ] How do you do?
                                                                                      c ÿ Fine, thanks.

          6 Write one word in each gap.
        *                                         O                                4 When's your birthday?
              ÿ How old        are you, Kate?                                         a  O    Tomorrow!
              1 How do you      _        your surname, Harry?                         b ( ] No, it isn't.

              2 How    _        is your brother?                                      c ÿ No, it's John's.
              3 How             a drink?
                                                                                   5 How do you go to school?
              4 How    _        going to the cinema?
                                                                                      a  O Every day.
              5 I'm fine.           you?
                                                                                      b  O    Iwalk.

        87 O 1 7.3 Match the questions in exercise 6                                  c [_] InLondon.
              with the correct answers a-f. Listen and check.           O          6 How is your brother?
              a He's six.  _                                                          a ( ] He's twelve.

              b Yes, please.Can I have a cup of tea?                                  b ÿ I'm fine, thanks.
              c I'm fine, thanks.                                                     c  O    He's fine.

             d I'm 12. ÿ_
             e W-A-T-S-O-N       _                                           29              Complete the questions, then ask
                                                                                             and answer in pairs.
             f Yes, OK. Let's go.
                                                                                   ÿ  how      are you?
                                                                                   1          .do you spell your surname?
                                                                                   2          .old are you?
                                                                                   3          .do you live?

                                                                                   4          .'s your birthday?
                                                                                   5          .do you go to school?
                                                                                   ÿ  how are    you?j             fine,  tAonkfÿJ

                                                                                                                                 Unit 17    83
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