Page 40 - SGK Tieng Anh 9 thi diem tap 1
P. 40

Unit 444444444                  LIFE IN THE PAST


                                                             THIS UNIT INCLUDES:
           GETTING STARTED                                   VOCABULARY

           Preserving the past                                Life in the past
                                                              Stress on auxiliary verbs in sentences

                                                              Used to: review
                                                              Wishes for the present

                                                               •    Reading for specifi  c information about
                                                                children’s pastimes in the past
                                                               •    Making comments on or expressing
                                                                 opinions about facts in the past
                                                               •    Listening for specifi  c information about
                                                                 school life in the past
                                                                •    Writing a description of how children in the
                                                                 past studied without technology
                                                                Describing past practices

           1  Listen and read.
           Father:    This is a present for you, son.
                                                          Father:   Sure.
           Nguyen:   A kite! How cool! Thank you, dad.
                                                          Nguyen: I wish there were movie teams like that now.
           Father:     I made it for you, just like your grandfather
                   used to make one for me.               Father:  Yeah, it was a lot of fun.
           Nguyen:   Is it a family tradition?            Nguyen: Then how did you get to know about the
           Father:    Yes, for generations.                      world outside?
                                                          Father:   We  had  the  radio;  actually,  only  wealthy
           Nguyen:    I love it. So when you were a kid, what did
                   you use to do for entertainment?              people  did.  The  whole  village  used  to
                                                                 listen  to  the  news  programme  through  a
           Father:     Oh,  it  was  all  very  simple  back  then.   loudspeaker.
                   We didn’t have television or the Internet.
                   A mobile movie team used to come once   Nguyen: Wow, I can’t imagine that.
                   every two months, and everyone from the   Father:   I know. The world’s changed a lot, son. It’s
                   village would be there. The children were     much easier now.
                   always early, trying to get a place near the   Nguyen: Do you miss the past, dad?
                   screen.                                Father:   I suppose I do. Sometimes I wish I could go
           Nguyen:   I suppose it was a special occasion, wasn’t it?  back to that time.

           40   Unit 4/ Life in the Past
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