Page 42 - SGK Tieng Anh 9 thi diem tap 1
P. 42


                                                          3  Choose  a  word/phrase  from  the  box  to
           Vocabulary                                        complete the sentences.

           1  Match a verb in A with a word/phrase in B.     illiterate           face to face          physical
                                                             strict rules   street vendors      seniority
                   A                    B
            1.  go          a.  to drum music             1.   Paying respect to people of ______ is a tradition in
            2.  collect     b.  themselves                   Viet Nam.
            3.  entertain   c.  stories                   2.  Quite  a  large  number  of  ethnic  people  in  the
            4.  dance       d.  a diary                      mountains  are  still  ______.  They  can’t  read  or
            5.  act out     e.  your imagination             write.
                                                          3.  Eating from ______ is a popular habit of people in
            6.  use         f.   bare-footed
                                                             big cities in Viet Nam.
            7.  preserve    g.  the post
                                                          4.  There should be ______ on the roads to reduce
            8.  keep        h. our traditions                the number of accidents.
                                                          5.  ______  punishment  was  common  at  schools  in
           2  Use the newly-formed phrases in 1 with the     the past.
              verbs in their correct forms to complete the
              sentences.                                  6.   I prefer talking ______ to talking on the phone.
           1.  In my time, most girls ______ where they could
              write down their daily thoughts and feelings.  4  Complete the sentences with the right form
           2.   ‘Grandpa,  how  did  the  children  in  your  village   of the words below.
              use  to  ______?’  –  ‘They  played  games  like     tradition         habit         behaviour        practice
              tug of war, hide and seek, or fl ew their kites.’
           3.  We should work together to ______. They are of   1.   It’s never easy to break a bad ______.
              great value to us.
           4.  ______ and draw a picture of your dream house.  2.   His bold ______ shocked everybody present.
                                                          3.  It  runs  as  a  ______  in  Viet  Nam  that  elderly
           5.  Children  are  very  creative.  They  are  good  at   grandparents and parents are taken care of by
              ______.                                        their children until they die.
           6.  A postman comes once a day to ______ from the   4.   It was his ______ to take a nap after lunch.
              post box.
                                                          5.  Using blackboards and chalk as the only teaching
           7.  I love ______ on the beach and feeling the sand   aid is still a common ______ in most developing
              under my feet.                                 countries.
           8.    The Lion Dance is usually performed at   6.   He could be fi red for his rude ______ towards the
              Mid-Autumn Festival,  where the dancers        VIP guest.
              skilfully ______.
                                                             tradition: an inherited way of thinking or acting
                                                             habit: what you frequently do
                                                             behaviour: the way in which one acts,
                                                             especially towards others
                                                             practice: the actual application or use
                                                             of an idea, belief, or method

           42   Unit 4/ Life in the Past
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