Page 50 - SGK Tieng Anh 9 thi diem tap 1
P. 50

Unit 555555555                 WONDERS OF VIET NAM


                                                      THIS UNIT INCLUDES:

           GETTING STARTED                            VOCABULARY
                                                      Words to describe wonders of Viet Nam
           A trip to Hue City                          PRONUNCIATION

                                                       Stress on short words in sentences
            1  Listen and read.
                                                       Passive voice: Impersonal passive
                                                       suggest + V-ing/clause with should

                                                       •    Reading for specifi  c information about a man-made
                                                         wonder of Viet Nam
                                                       •    Talking about man-made wonders of Viet Nam and
                                                         how to protect and preserve them
                                                        •    Listening for specifi  c information about a natural
                                                         wonder of Viet Nam
                                                        •    Writing an article describing a wonder of Viet Nam

                                                        Describing a wonder of Viet Nam

           Veronica:  Guess  what?  I’m  going  to  Hue  City   Veronica:   Great,  thanks. What’s  the  best  way  to
                     next week.                                     get around?
           Mi:       That’s great! Are you excited?       Mi:       It’s probably best to use rickshaws. It’s
           Veronica:  Very! You’ve been there, haven’t you?         said  that  they’re  quicker  and  cheaper
                                                                    than taxis.
           Mi:       Yes, I have. Three times, actually. It’s an   Veronica:  Hmm,  that’s  good  to  know.  So  what
                     amazing  place.  How  are  you  getting        are the things we shouldn’t miss – any
                                                                    good museums?
           Veronica:   My father suggests we should go by air.  Mi:   Er  no,  don’t  bother  going  to  the
           Mi:       That’s too expensive! I suggest going by       museums. There are much better things
                     train. You can meet people and see a lot       to see there. You should defi nitely see
                     of beautiful sights from the train.            the  Royal  Citadel.  It’s  said  that  this
           Veronica:  That sounds better. And do you know           complex  of  monuments  is  one  of  the
                     any good places to stay in Hue City?           wonders of Viet Nam. In fact, it’s listed
           Mi:       I’d  recommend  the  Romance  Hotel.           as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
                     I can give you the address if you like.  Veronica:  Yes, that’s what I’ve heard. So what else
                                                                    is worth seeing?

           50   Unit 5/ Wonders of Viet Nam
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