Page 53 - SGK Tieng Anh 9 thi diem tap 1
P. 53


         REMEMBER!                                      G
            Short words like articles (a, an, the), conjunctions   The impersonal passive
            (and, or), and prepositions (at, of, to) are usually   1 a    Read part of the conversation. Pay attention
            unstressed  or  in  the  weak  form.  However,  we   to the underlined part.
            use these short words in the strong form in the    Veronica:   Great, thanks. What’s the best way to get
            following cases:                                     around?

         -   when  the  short  words  are  used  at  the  end  of    Mi:     It’s  probably  best  to  use  rickshaws.
            sentences.                                           It’s said that they’re quicker and cheaper
            Example:                                             than taxis.
              What are you playing at?                    Form: It + to be + past participle + that + S + V
              Mary is the person I’m looking for.
          -  when  the  short  words  are  used  for  emphasis      Can you fi nd another example of the
            and contrast.                                  impersonal passive in the conversation?
            Example:                                       b  When  do  we  use  the  impersonal  passive?
             This is the place to eat.                        Can you think of any rules?
              It’s not a solution, but the solution.       We use the impersonal passive to express other
          -  when the short words are used for citation.   people’s opinions. It can be used with reporting
            Example:                                       verbs,  including  say,  think,  believe,  know,  hope,
             You shouldn’t put ‘and’ at the end of the     expect, report, understand, claim, etc.
              sentence.                                    Example:

                                                                  Active               Passive
                                                           People think he is a great   It is thought that he is a
                                                           teacher.             great teacher.
           5 Read the mini-talks and underline the short   People say she works   It is said that she works
             words (for, the, from, and, but, at, of, to) you   16 hours a day.  16 hours a day.
             think use the strong form.
              Then listen and check.                       They reported that two   It was reported that two
                                                                                people had been injured in
                                                           people had been injured in
           Example:                                        the accident.        the accident.
              A:  Who are you looking for?
              B:   Peter is the person I’m looking for.  2 Complete  the  sentences  using  the  correct
                                                           passive form of the verbs in brackets. The fi rst
           1.  A:  Where are you from?                     one has been completed for you.
                B:    I’m from Ha Noi.                  1.   (know)   It  is  known   that   Ha   Long   Bay
                                                           was  recognised  as  a  World  Heritage  Site  by
           2.   A:   Can you come and check this paragraph    UNESCO in 1994.
                for me?                                 2.  (believe)  ____________  the  best  time  to  visit  the
                 B:   It’s OK but you shouldn’t use ‘and’ at the    complex of Hue Monuments is in April.
                 beginning of the paragraph.            3.  (report)  ____________  thousands  of  visitors  come
                                                           to  enjoy  breathtaking  views  of  Ha  Long  Bay  every
           3.   A:   Did you ask her to join our group?    year.
                 B:    I’ve asked her several times but she doesn’t   4.  (claim) ____________ Phong Nha – Ke Bang can be
                 want to.                                  compared to a huge geological museum.
                                                        5.  (understand)  ____________  Binh  Dai  Fortress  was
           4.   A:   Is this letter from Peter?            designed  to  control  movement  on  the  Perfumed
                 B:   No, the letter is to him, not from him.  River.
                                                        6.  (expect)  ____________  the  government  will  have
           6  Work in pairs. Practise the mini-talks in 5.  measures  to  protect  and  preserve  our  man-made

           53   Unit 5/ Wonders of Viet Nam
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