Page 16 - The Rounds - 2018 V1
P. 16

Southside Hospital                                                                                                         Because time is so critical, we’re proud to honor the ED nurses who achieve
     Made for exceptional stroke care                                                                                           Gold and Platinum “Door-to-Needle” levels in the Department of Health

                                                                                                                                (DOH) timeframe regulation for administration of IV t-PA (Tissue Plasminogen

                                                                                                                                Activator) for 2017:
     Did you know?
                                                                                                                                Gold                          Adriene Geraci               Melissa Vita                  Richard Hernandez

                                                                                                                                Suzanne Abrams                Michael Graziano             Tara Wright                   Gary Levitt
                                                                                                                                Eugene Arena                  Sharon Greco                                               Dorin Matei
                                                                                                                                Carol Barba                   Magdelena Gron               Platinum                      Jennifer Mellone
                                                                                                                                Yvonne Baroni                 Richard Hernandez            Carol Barba                   Joyce Moerler
                                                                                                                                Jami Benavides                Steven Jones                 Brianna Cannon                Jeff  Obas
         Every 40 seconds             Every four minutes             Stroke is the 5th          Stroke impacts more
        someone in the U.S.          someone in the U.S.         leading cause of death         than 800,000 people             Christina Bonomo              Allison Kist                 Samantha Carrieri             Joseph O'Brien
       experiences a stroke           dies from a stroke          in the U.S. & a leading             each year                 Brianna Cannon                Douglas Lamm                 Amy Christian                 Leonardo Oliva
                                                                 cause of adult disability                                      Samantha Carrieri             Jennifer Mellone             Sharon Defonte                Erica Ortiz
                                                                                                                                Amy Christian                 Joyce Moerler                Jennifer Dipietrantonio       Danielle Schifano
                                                                                                                                Augusto De La Cruz            Amy Schaefer                 Lauren Dobish                 John Sullivan
                                                                                                                                Jennifer Dipietrantonio       Danielle Schifano            Ralph Fabiani                 Stephen Sweeney
                                            During an acute large vessel stroke:                                                Brandon Farchione             John Sullivan                Brandon Farchione             Jonathan Wenke

                                                                                                                                Jennifer Favaro               Stephen Sweeney              Kristin Farrugia              Staci Zapata
                                                                                                                                Patrick Finnegan              Wendy Tedeschi               Lynne Grant                   Katherine Zimmermann
            1.9 million                14 billion                       7.5 miles                    3.6 years
        neurons destroyed          synapses destroyed              of myelinated fi bers       of Ischemic brain ages           Jessica Fleischman            Naomi Thomas                 Michael Graziano
                                                                        destroyed                each hour without
                                                                                                     treatment                  These exceptional professionals are all Stroke Heroes.  Time is Brain!


                                                      Psychiatric Nurse
                                                      Practitioner,                                                                                                                       Critical Care Nursing
                                                      South Oaks Hospital                  2013                                                                                           It's time to expand

                                                                                           Nurse Manager,
                                                                                           Inpatient Substance                                                                            your horizons.
                                                        2010                               Use Disorders

                                                        Charge Nurse on the                                                                                                                      Start here
                                                        Float Team

         Jefferson Cesar, NP                                                             ER Intern Program

      16     Northwell Health                                                                                                                                                                                   The Rounds  •  Volume 1, 2018      17
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