Page 13 - The Rounds - 2018 V1
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North Shore University Hospital clinical rotations through other in-patient units • The orientation is standardized but tailored to
managed by the team such as Palliative Care, the needs of the individual.
Department of Medicine – RCU, Hematology, etc. Great improvement has been achieved in retention
Advanced Care Provider Orientation – • Prior to completing the clinical rotations the scores:
orientees attend 4 days of didactic sessions.
Various topics are covered such as work-up and • ACP Retention has bounded from 70% in 2014 to
“Laying the Foundation” management of the Cardiac patient, Pulmonary, 81% in 2015 and most recently 92.4% YTD 2017
Neurology/Stroke, Diabetes Management, CHF,
Palliative Care, electrolyte imbalances, diagnostic Other benefi ts of the program include employee
test interpretation, etc. These sessions are taught engagement, empowerment, improved satisfaction
by ACP experts and physicians. and enhanced patient care.
• Throughout the orientation there are regular
meetings between the orientee, preceptor and
supervisor; as well as senior leadership updates
with the Director.
Hospital Operations
Nurses at North Shore University Hospital (NSUH) also great focus on being a mentor and how to build 2015 Syosset Hospital
are made for advancing the nursing practice. They up the new employee while providing constructive
have developed a standardized, comprehensive and feedback, with the ultimate goal of a successful Director, Site Information
well-structured on-boarding process to help newly transition to independent provider. Services, Cohen Children’s
Medical Center
graduated NPs and PAs transition into their new role
on the Medicine service. This is the fi nal process that was created: 2011
Manager, Clinical
Early on, the team was queried regarding how to • The applicants are selected via a Peer Interview Transformation Program,
improve onboarding and retention. The greatest Committee utilizing a standardized practice of 2013 Plainview Hospital
emphasis was on new employee selection and the behavioral questions as well as clinical questions.
orientation process. In particular, new employees A Likert scale is completed and the team Director, Site Information Jennifer Busch, RN, MSN
felt unprepared to practice independently, even after discusses and agrees upon off er. Services, Plainview and
Syosset Hospitals
completing orientation. NSUH nurses divided into
three teams – one for interviewing, one focusing • The employee is then credentialed and attends
on education and the third on clinical rotations. system and site orientation.
Senior leadership mentored the team regarding 2001 2005
interviewing practices. The clinical rotation team • The ACP then arrives for departmental Registered Nurse, SICU, Assistant Director
collaborated with CLI and they selected individuals orientation where they focus on Telemetry/ North Shore of Nursing,
who attended a class on how to precept. There was Medicine patients with one preceptor but also do University Hospital Plainview Hospitall
12 Northwell Health The Rounds • Volume 1, 2018 13