Page 8 - The Rounds - 2018 V1
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Peconic Bay Medical Center                                                                                                 LIJ Valley Stream

     Caring for the heart                                                                                                       Nursing leadership:

                                                                                                                                Leading, Teaching,

     At Northwell Health, we’re always seeking better           breath and feelings of heaviness in her chest sent
     and more innovative ways to care for our patients.         her to the ED.
     Peconic Bay Medical Center recently received                                                                               Connecting and Caring
     approval to establish cardiac catheterization labs         In order to receive the needed diagnostic procedure,
     and electrophysiology suites at the hospital. This         she had to be transferred to North Shore University
     means that patients who present with certain               Hospital. There it was determined that she needed a
     cardiac issues can now receive the care they need          heart transplant which she successfully received and
     right in their community. To see the importance of         is now recuperating at home.
     these services, look no further than Wanda Pagnotta,
     Clinical Services Coordinator and Patient Navigator        “I think it’s very important that Peconic Bay Medical
     at Peconic Bay Medical Center.                             Center is adding these services,” said Wanda. “I’ve
                                                                watched Peconic Bay grow over the 12 years I’ve
     Wanda had bypass surgery to remove three separate          been working here, and this hospital takes care of
     heart blockages. After recovering from surgery, she        the whole community — including me.”
     returned to work and believed she was out of the
     woods. That changed, however, when shortness of


                                             Registered Nurse,
                                             Delivery Room,
       2016                                  LIJ Forest Hills

       Received her BSN
                                                                                                                                LIJ Valley Stream is committed to advancing nursing       in the Nurse Leader Role.”  Lunch included a ‘Teach

                                     2014                                                                                       leadership and recently held a nurse engagement           in Kitchen’ facilitated by the staff  from Nutrition
                                                                                                                                event coordinated by Ralph Civello, CNO; Lisa Chung,
                                                                                                                                                                                          services. Participants enjoyed healthy selections and
                                     Registered Nurse, Float,                                                                   DNP RN-BC; and Tywanna James-Rouse, DNP RN-               were also provided with recipes in memorable mason
                                     LIJ Forest Hills                                                                           BC. Participants included LIJ Valley Stream nurse         jars! The program was a huge success! Staff  RNs left
                                                                                                                                leaders and managers.  Prior to the event, each unit      energized, motivated and empowered to continue of
                                                                                                                                manager had to identify at least two “high potential”     their journey towards excellence.

           2008                                 2012                          Khongorzul Castro, RN, BSN                        staff  RNs and invite them to attend the program,
                                                                                                                                which featured interactive workshops, dialogues
                                                                                                                                and speaker presentations. Maureen White, SVP and
           Pharmacy Tech,                        Pharmacy Tech,
           Zucker Hillside Hospital              LIJ Forest Hills                                                               Chief Nurse Executive challenged the group to “be an
                                                                                                                                eff ective leader of today, not yesterday.” Dr. Launette
                                                                                                                                Woolforde discussed “Mentorship and Teaching

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