Page 19 - Fall 2019 Castle MD
P. 19

 Quarterly Staff Meeting Highlights
2019 Proposed Bylaw Changes
2. Governing Board means the
local community board of this Medical Center or a duly authorized committee thereof. Replaced “governing body” with “local community board”.
7. Medical Executive Committee means the governing committee of this Medical Staff pursuant to the provisions of these Bylaws. Changed “the Medical Staff”
to “this Medical Staff,” and “governing body” to “governing committee” and removed duplication of words.
3.2.1 General Threshold Eligibility Qualifications
In order to be eligible to apply for Medical Staff membership, physicians, dentists and podiatrists must:
(a) submit appropriate evidence
of professional liability insurance with dedicated coverage limits per physician
of at least $1 million per occurrence and $3 million aggregate, to cover claims occurring during membership appointment period and/or privileges granted. Shared limits in lieu of dedicated limits are not acceptable. All privileges granted must be covered by the insurance policy. Privileges not covered will be automatically terminated. The evidence of coverage must be issued by an insurance company authorized to transact insurance business in the State of Hawai‘i. Insurance certificates shall contain a retroactive reporting date
to coincide or precede the date of initial appointment or privileges granted. Upon termination or expiration of any claims- made insurance policy, the physician has
an obligation to continuously maintain such insurance or procure extended reporting period (i.e., “tail”) coverage to ensure
that coverage is maintained indefinitely
for claims which arise from professional services provided by the physician
during the term of this appointment. The physician also has the obligation to report any reduction, restriction, cancellation or termination of the required professional
liability insurance or coverage or change in insurance carrier or physician cooperative membership immediately to Medical
Staff Services. Failure to comply with these provisions will result in automatic immediate termination of privileges as appropriate. These requirements apply to allied health professionals as well as each person who is extended temporary or locum tenens privileges. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, the Medical Staff acknowledges that non-physician practitioners employed by an Adventist Health entity which participates in Adventist Health’s HPL/GL trust program of self-insurance are covered while acting within the course and scope of their employment duties and thus are deemed to satisfy all insurance requirements as specified above. Verification that the non-physician practitioner is employed by Adventist Health shall suffice as evidence of required liability insurance. Exceptions to liability requirements may be made,
in writing, by the AH Office of General Counsel.
Article V- Allied Health Professionals
5.1 Qualifications
Add professional liability requirement for allied health professionals so that they have the same requirement as physicians. The same verbiage from 3.2.1(a) will be added to the beginning of 5.1.
8.4.3 Medical Records
Joint Commission surveyors found that the bylaws do not specify that a nurse practitioner can complete a history and physical.
Add nurse practitioners and others identified by the Medical Staff to 8.4.3.
Members of the Medical Staff, nurse practitioners and others identified by the Medical Staff, are required to complete medical records entries as prescribed by the Medical Executive Committee in the applicable Rules and Regulations and/or policies and procedures.
7.5.1 Admissions
Remove “AHP” from the first paragraph in section 7.5.1 (lines 20, 25 and 26). CMS does not allow Allied Health Professionals to admit patients.
There was question on the 3.2.1 proposed change around how long tail coverage is required and some of the wording. Physicians were encouraged to talk with their insurer. The Chief of Staff and Bylaws Chair will also research to see what MIEC, HAPI and Med Pro Risk suggest for length of tail.
8.4.3 proposed change is driven by
the recent Joint Commission hospital accreditation survey and is time sensitive. The Chief of Staff has asked the Governing Board to expedite a vote contingent on the Medical Staff and MEC’s approval. If approved, the change will be in place prior to the August 23, 2019 deadline set by the Joint Commission.
Reminders made at Quarterly Staff:
• H&Ps are to be completed within
24 hours of admission and prior to surgery. A brief post-op note needs to be completed prior to transfer to next place of care. Discharge notes should include the hospital course, discharge plan and be complete within 24-hours.
• Do not wear blue surgical scrubs outside the hospital.
Dr. Joseph Giannasio has stepped down as the Department of Psychiatry Chair as of the end of September.
 FALL ‘19 · 19
Kudos from
a patient
I could not be happier with the way everybody at the hospital worked with us – Dr. Fowler, Dr. Cortez all the nurses, the ER, admitting, discharge, everything! Everybody was so amazing.

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