Page 12 - October 2019 Ulupono
P. 12

Stories That Inspire Us
Oct. 21–23, 12:30–1 p.m. Auditorium
We love inspiring stories but often forget that we all have a story to tell.
When we know where we came from, we can be surer of where we are going. When we celebrate the courage of those around us, we can connect with the courage within us. When we talk about what matters most, love, we can overcome all that seems to divide and diminish us. During Mission Week, Pastor Alex Bryan, Mission Identity Executive, shares how your story can inspire others. What could be better than hearing an inspiring story? Living one!
Plan to attend these Mission Week “Lunch and Learn” sessions: • Monday,Oct.21:OriginStories
• Tuesday,Oct.22:HeroStories
• Wednesday, Oct. 23: Love Stories
A “Blessing of the Hands” will be held on for nursing units on Monday and Tuesday.
About the presenter
Alex Bryan, D.Min. is the Mission Identity Executive for
Adventist Health. He studied for- mally at Southern College (BA His- tory, Religion), Andrews University (MDIV), and George Fox University (DMIN). His doctoral work is in the area of emotional intelligence and Christian discipleship.
He and his wife Nicole are parents to Audrey, 13 and William, 9.

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