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  october 2019 Castle leadership Institute: our story
Adventist Health Castle leadership spent Thursday, October 24, learning the story of Adventist Health, Adventist Health Castle, and the part all associates play in continuing the story. Brandon Hargrett, IT Director, was the emcee for the day.
Jesse Seibel, Director of Mission and Spiritual Care, began with prayer and set the direction for the day with a devotion titled “Stories we belong to, become with, believe in.” Seibel stressed the importance of listening to stories, of ensuring that our stories empower and inspire, and of sharing our stories to encourage others to belong to, to become part of, and to believe in the story of Adventist Health and Adventist Health Castle. New leaders had a chance
to take the stage and use their AIDET to introduce themselves.
Alex Bryan, System Mission Identity and Spiritual Care Executive, presented the story of Adventist Health, Part 1 & 2:
• In ancient history, before the birth of
Christ, hundreds of thousands died from plagues and the diseased and poor were detested and ignored, and there was no organized social support or organized healthcare.
• Christ’s message of loving one
another inspired communities to compassionately care for the sick and poor and eventually became the genesis of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, it’s health message and Adventist Health.
• Ellen G. White and other leaders of the Seventh-day Adventist Church were ahead of their time in their thoughts on healthcare, compassion for the poor and sick, and equal rights for all.
Shelly Trumbo, System Community Integration Executive, presented the story of Adventist Health Part 3:
• The plagues we deal with today are
diseases of despair, such as alcoholism, drug addiction, and suicide; and chronic disease, such as obesity and diabetes; and poverty.
• The child poverty rate in America has risen dramatically. The toxic stress of child poverty negatively impacts the brain of the child and increases the probability of lifelong illness.
• Adventist Health’s mission of “Living God’s love by inspiring health, wholeness and hope” translates
to caring for the wellbeing of our communities.
Hospital President Kathy Raethel and Denis Mee Lee, MD, governing board member, relayed the story of Adventist Health Castle in a “Castle Live” interview with Hargrett:
• Homage was paid to Robert Chung, MD, and Carolyn Rankin, who led the campaign and fundraising efforts to build a hospital on Windward O‘ahu.
• Harold K. L. Castle donated the land for the hospital.
• The Seventh-day Adventist Church provided necessary financial backing to own and operate what was then Castle Memorial Hospital.
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UlUpono - november 2019

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