Page 9 - October 2020 Ulupono
P. 9
MRI progress notes
from Adventist Health
Castle Imaging
by Kristen Polenz, Director of Imaging
Last month the Imaging Department was excited to announce the purchase of a new state-of-the-art MRI machine and the beginning of a multi-year remodel of our department.
In order to make room and build the space for our new and permanent MRI, a temporary GE Signa HD23 1.5T MRI machine, with more capability and better image quality, has been installed in a temporary space until early
next year when the new MRI is installed in our remodeled area. During the transition, we will continue to provide the same safe, comfortable and excellent service that our department is known for.
Castle elevator modernization project ongoing
by Richard Kirchner, Director of Facilities
In October the project to modernize Adventist Health Castle's elevators began. During this project, barriers will need to be installed outside of the elevator doors to isolate the construction area. This will be performed one elevator at a time starting with elevator #2, the middle elevator. Each elevator will take approximately 3-4 months.
The barriers result in a reduced corrider width that has necessitated an Interim Life Safety Notification (ILSM). ISLM's are issued when some aspect of fire safety is altered such as work on a sprinkler system, or in this case, reducing the corridor width (exit path).
Thank you for your understanding.