Page 7 - March 2020 Ulupono
P. 7
Love Matters presentations:
Ryan Ashlock, Operations Executive, and Erik Anderson, Patient Care Executive, used personal stories to show the importance of AIDET in reducing anxiety, providing an avenue to hear your patient’s story and ensuring each patient is treated uniquely. They also stressed the importance of keeping exam areas organized and clean.
Todd Reese, Director, and Chelsey Puttre, Sourcing Advisor, Human Performance, demonstrated ways
for leaders to refresh their rounding to maximize trust, foster communication and increase engagement. Todd shared that associates whose managers round regularly are three times more likely to be engaged and provided new questions to customize rounding. He reminded leaders about the Engagement Pulse Survey March 2-16.
Joyce Mondak, RN, ICU, inspired leaders as she shared the story of her mission trip to help battle the measles outbreak in Samoa. In the two days the medical team was in Samoa they were able to vaccinate nearly 34,000 people.
Brian Strong, RN, OR Nurse Manager, led out in the “Let’s Move” breaks, that included yoga exercises and exercises you can do at your desk, and throughout the day, leaders took the opportunity to donate cash and clothing to the Behavioral Health Services unit.
MARCH 2020 - ULUPONO | 7