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HISTORY                                                                                                                                                                                                                        HISTORY

                                                                                                                                                                                              The  art  of  extracting  and  processing  metal
        Russian metallurgists                                                                                                                                                                 took on a large scale here. The extraction of
                                                                                                                                                                                              metal in these parts was the same folk craft
                                                                                                                                                                                              as fishing and hunting.
                                                                                                                                                                                                     In the heroic years of battles with the
                                                                                    Russian  people have  written                                                                             Tatar  enslavers,  the  metallurgists  of  our
                                                                             many  bright  pages  in  the  history  of                                                                        northern lands managed to establish a truly
                                                                             metallurgy.  Their  first  acquaintance                                                                          mass  production of  weapons  of  excellent
                                                                             with metal occurred in ancient times.                                                                            quality.
                                                                             There  are  dozens  of  places  in the                                                                                  The defenders of the homeland received
                                                                             south,  in  the  north,  in  the  east  of                                                                       thousands  of  swords,  spears,  arrows  from
                                                                             our homeland, where archaeologists,                                                                              these  areas.  Ustyuzhna  Zheleznopolskaya
                                                                             exploring the most ancient sites and                                                                             alone  forged  hundreds  of  thousands  of
                                                                             settlements, have found and still are                                                                            "sweeping flies" a year, or, as our ancestors
                                                                             finding  bronze  and  iron  weapons,                                                                             called them in another way, "garlic" (sharp
                                                                             metal utensils, and jewelry. Traces of                                                                           iron thorns), which were filled with river fords
                                                                             ancient mines have been preserved in                                                                             so that the Tatar cavalry could not use them.
                                                                             the Urals, in Yakutia, in Zaonezhie, in                                                                                 Later, at the end of the 14th - beginning
                                                                             the center of the European part, the                                                                             of  the  15th  century,  when  gunpowder
                                                                             simplest foundry  devices have been                  A section of a catalon furnace.                             appeared, the skill of Russian metallurgists
                                                                             discovered,  as  well  as  slags, which                                                                          manifested  itself  especially clearly  in the
                                                                             are metal smelting wastes thrown out                                                                             production of firearms.
                                                                             by  ancient  metallurgists from  their                     Russian foundry workers were among the first in the world to start casting copper cannons,
        furnaces. Scientists estimate the age of these finds at two to three thousand years.                                     which appeared in our country soon after the invention of gunpowder.
               It is possible to indicate entire regions in the north-west of our country: Karelia, Kargopolye,                         The glory of the Zheleznopol "wolf" - cannon, welded from iron strips, spread far and
        Ustyuzhna Zheleznopolskaya, where excavations reveal the remains of iron-making industries                               wide.
        that existed here at the beginning of our millennium.                                                                           Contemporary  documents  testify  to  the  outstanding  skill of  Russian  foundry  workers.
               Here, under a thick layer of earth, researchers are looking for settlements, where almost                         Buchau, the ambassador of the German emperor Maximilian, who came to Moscow in 1576,
        every house was equipped with one or two bloomery furnaces – ovens for smelting iron.                                    informed his monarch that "in Russia cast iron cannons are so large that a warrior in full armor,
               These ovens, the distant ancestors of the modern blast furnace, were small and simple in                          standing at their bottom, could not reach their edge with his hand". The author of the book
        design. Blast furnace were stone conical structures wide at the top, tapering downward.
               Ore and charcoal were alternately loaded into the furnace from above: a layer of coal, a                          "Description of the Klein Embassy" echoes
                                                                                                                                 the German diplomat. "Each company," he
        layer of ore. From below, through a small hole by itself, like into the fire tube of a samovar, air
                                                                           entered the oven. This is how "air blast"             writes, "had a field tool, very carefully cast
                                                                           was  carried  out  in the  most  primitive            and skillfully worked out or skillfully forged
                                                                           way in the first metallurgical furnaces.              from iron with a hammer."
                                                                                  Later, metallurgists began  to                        Finally, their creations, preserved to
                                                                           pump air into the furnace with the help               this day, speak eloquently about the art of
                                                                           of  hand  bellows, similar to those  that             Russian  foundry  workers.  "Tsar  Cannon"!
                                                                           were  found  relatively  recently  in  old            Who  has  not  heard  of  this amazing  work
                                                                           forges.  The  coals fanned  by  the  hand             of the Russian foundry by Andrei Chokhov.
                                                                           bellows gave a slight heat. The ore did               For nearly four centuries, a gigantic weapon
                                                                           not even melt, and the "reduced" iron,                weighing about 2,500 poods (or about 40
                                                                           freed from oxygen, was extracted from                 tons),  decorated  with bizarre  bas-reliefs,         Tsomnitsa is a prototype of a blast furnace.
                                                                           the blast furnace in a soft, pasty piece              has stood in the Moscow Kremlin, and still
        - "krytsa". It was called so because of the resemblance to a lump of caviar. (Krytsa is derived                          amazes with its size and skill of execution.
        from the word caviar.)                                                                                                   The  Tsar  Cannon  is a  monument  of  the  high design and  technological culture  of  Russian
               The iron lump melted in the bloomery furnace had an irregular shape and a coarse-grained                          technicians who worked in the distant past.
        surface. In the krytsa, pure metal was mixed with slags - alloys of earthy ore impurities. The                                  Arming with superior and abundant artillery required a lot of metal. The entire economy of
        krytsa was saturated with them like a sponge with water. To free the iron from slags, the ancient                        Russia was in need of metal products more and more. The builders showed a particularly great
        metallurgists beat the red-hot crystal with hand hammers, "squeezed out"” this iron sponge.                              demand for metal.
        After a long forging, a lump of pure soft iron was obtained. It was cut into pieces and sent to                                 Iron,  melted  by  primitive,  inefficient  bloomery  furnaces,  was  not  enough.  They  were
        the forges. This was the end of the metallurgical process. Of course, it was still very primitive.                       replaced by more advanced and powerful blast furnaces.
        The same was true in those days not only in our country, but also in all countries where metal                                  With the inventing of the blast furnace, the metallurgical process has also changed. In
        was produced. Among them were Bavaria, England, Sweden.                                                                  general, the construction of a blast furnace did not differ from a bloomery furnace. The blast
               In terms of the amount of smelted metal, Russia occupied one of the first places among                            furnace was also loaded from above, as well as blown into it from below, but it was much larger,
        them. The northern Novgorod lands were especially famous for their iron. Since then the whole                            higher than its predecessor. This is what affected the melting process. The blast furnace held
        region there is called Ustyuzhna Zheleznopolskaya.                                                                       more coal and iron. Their contact began to last longer. Coal, or rather carbon, managed not only
                                                                                                                                 to completely restore all the ore, but also to saturate the resulting iron. Iron, sinking into the

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