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HIST                                                                                                                                                                                                                         EXHIBITIONS
        furnace  and  saturating more                                                                                            Russian Industrial Week opens at Expocentre
        and more with carbon, turned
        first  into  steel,  then  into  cast
        iron.                                                                                                                    in October
               Cast iron melts at a lower
        temperature  than  iron,  and                                                                                                   From 19 to 22 October 2020, the Expocentre will host the Russian Industrial Week. It
        in  the  blast  furnace  the  heat                                                                                       includes three industry exhibitions Rusweld, Technoforum and Lesdrevmash
        was much stronger than in the
        bloomery  furnace.  Therefore,                                                                                                  Russian Industrial Week will bring together over 15,000 specialists at Expocentre. More
        the  product of  smelting  was                                                                                           than 500 participating companies will be represented on the exhibition area of over 15,000
        liquid iron, which metallurgists                                                                                         thousand square meters (net).
        tapped from the furnace at the                                                                                                  At the Rusweld exhibition, advanced solutions and world practices in the field of welding
        end of the smelting. This change                                                                                         equipment, materials and technologies for welding and cutting metals will be presented with the
        made  it possible to  make  the                                                                                          ability to demonstrate technological processes in action. Rusweld brings together manufacturers,
        furnace work continuous: load                                                                                            suppliers  and  consumers  of  equipment  and  products  of  the  welding industry  and  aims  to
        it as  needed and  periodically                                                                                          support the development of the welding industry, as well as demonstrate its capabilities and
        release slag and cast iron from          The blower of the old blast furnace was driven by a water                       achievements.
        it.                                      wheel.                                                                                 In pursuance of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin dated
               Cast iron was not something strange and new. Metallurgists also met with it when receiving                        May 7, 2018 No. 204 "On national ideas and strategic goals for the development of the Russian
        blooming iron, when for some reason a lot of air entered the furnace. At first it was taken for                          Federation until 2024", the main efforts of the state should be focused on the breakthrough
        slag and thrown away. Then they began to use it and make castings from it.                                               scientific and technological development of Russia. This means that in the coming years the
               With the inventing of the blast furnace, cast iron became the only product obtained from                          global transformation of science and technology, education, digital economy, industry, transport
        ore. This contributed to the development of foundry. Foundry yards were set up next to the                               infrastructure and energy will take place.
        blast furnaces, where large castings were made. But at the same time, difficulties arose in those                               To solve this complex and multifaceted task, the platform (technological initiative) "NTI-
        cases when it was necessary to obtain tensile metal - iron and steel. Blacksmiths had to heat                            Expo" (Science-Technology-Innovation-Expo) was created. Within the framework of this platform,
        the cast iron for a long time in the forges, blowing strong air over it in order to "burn out" some                      the Technoforum exhibition is held, which combines large-scale events with state participation,
        of the carbon and thereby make the metal softer and more ductile.                                                        focused on the implementation of national projects and the implementation of priority tasks for
               However, these difficulties receded into second place when compared with the main benefit                         the digitalization of the economy.
        that blast furnaces brought with them, high productivity. Its secret was hidden not only in the                                 Lesdrevmash, the largest exhibition project in the field of woodworking, has a reputation
        continuity of work and the large capacity of the furnaces, but mainly in the improvement of the                          as the most authoritative exhibition in Russia and Eastern Europe. It is held every two years and
        blowing. It was the strengthening of the air blast that made it possible to create a high furnace.                       enjoys constant attention from leading foreign and Russian companies in the timber processing
        It was impossible to significantly increase the thickness of the layers of coal and ore poured into                      industry.
        the furnace, while the hand bellows were activated by human forces, as it was in the bloomery
        furnaces. Hand bellows could not drive air through a 3 - 4 meter layer of raw materials.
        This difficulty was overcome when metallurgists called on the power of water to help them,
        when the blowers belts were driven by mill wheels. The wonderful art of Russian "water people",
        builders of hydraulic power plants, and craftsmen who created powerful bellows, helped to build
        the world's tallest blast furnaces on the banks of the Tulitsa River at the beginning of the 17th
               A few years after the founding of a metallurgical plant in Tula, nearby, in Porotov, another
        similar plant was built. Then the Kashirsky iron foundries appeared in the neighborhood.
        So in the Tula region, in a short time, a large mining center, equipped with excellent technology,
        grew  up.  This was  a  major  success  for  Russian  metallurgy.  It  was  soon  followed by  other
        successes that were already of global importance.

               To be continued.

                                                                                    "Stories about the Russian Championship"
                                                                                                             Moscow, 1950
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Press Service of Expocentre AO

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