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NEWS                                                                             METALWORKING EQUIPMENT
                                                                                  AND TOOLS
 German Kloeckner wants to be Amazon's   10 factors determining the use of the method

 equivalent in metal trading  of products processing on HFC set

    According  to  them,  the  company  is  showing interest  in acquiring  independent  trading      The inductive method of heat treatment of products,
 companies and metal service centers. While it is too early to talk about specific purchases,   the so-called processing at high-frequency currents (HFC),
 Kloeckner will be monitoring opportunities      has been known since the times of the Soviet Union and
 as they arise.                                  was widespread at machine-building enterprises. The main
    Earlier it was reported that Kloeckner       advantages of HFC sets were simplicity, reliability and high
 may acquire the distribution network of   processing speed. As a rule, this method was used in repair service companies or tool shops.
 the  German  corporation  Thyssenkrupp.      During the processing method (Fig. 1) the heated part 1 is placed in the electromagnetic
 According to Gisbert Ruehl, the company   high-frequency field of the inductor 2. The AC energy of the inductor is transferred to the heated
 is not yet large enough to handle such a
 deal  alone.  However,  in September  this
 year Ruhl will be replaced at the head of
 Kloeckner by Guido Kerkhoff, the former
 CEO of Thyssenkrupp, so nothing can be
 ruled out.
    In the  second quarter  of  2020,
 Kloeckner delivered approximately 1.1 million tonnes of steel to customers, down 27.6 % from
 the same period last year. For the second half of the year, the company predicts a 20 % decline
 in real consumption of steel products in the US and Europe.
    With the aim of restructuring, Kloeckner closed 19 sites in March-July, mainly in France,
 and cut 1.2 thousand jobs. Moreover, about half of them were released due to digitalization.

    Fig. 1. Examples of the location of the part and the inductor on the HFC set

    part  by  a  magnetic  flux  penetrating  it,  where  high-frequency  eddy  alternating  currents  are
 The USA tightens import controls  induced. The density of these currents is uneven across the cross section; as they are displaced

    by the magnetic field to the surface of the heated part: a "surface effect" appears. Due to the
    high density of the induced currents, its surface layer is rapidly heated. The copper inductor is
    The  US  Department  of  Commerce  has  prepared  a  number  of  proposals  to  strengthen   water-cooled during operation, so it does not overheat. The shape of the inductor corresponds
 import controls aimed at tightening anti-dumping and countervailing measures.  to the external shape of the work piece, which is due to the need to take into account the
 In  particular,  the  Ministry  has  developed  new  rules  that  should  prevent  the  circumvention   constant gap between the inductor and the surface of the work piece.
 of existing duties by organizing the supply of sanctioned goods through third countries and      The use of equipment was limited by the active dissemination of the technology of heat
 introducing more thorough monitoring of imports, which should speed up the detection of such   treatment of products in protective atmospheres and vacuum, which followed this change in
 cases.  product requirements, and the high efficiency of the introduced cutting tool with replaceable
    According to the Ministry, since January 2017, that is, since the current administration   carbide inserts. This forced most of the enterprises in the engineering sector to abandon the
 of  Donald  Trump  came  to  power,  more  than  280  new  anti-  use of this processing method. The lack of a control system that meets modern requirements,
 dumping and  countervailing duties have  been  introduced  in   the  complexity  of  automation  of  existing facilities, the  need  for  personnel  with extensive
 the United States, which is 3.6 times more than in the previous   experience in its maintenance and operation,
 administration of Barack Obama.                               the involvement of which increased economic
    Meanwhile, the Mexican Ministry of Economy announced
 the  establishment  of export  controls on a  number  of  steel   efficiency  due  to  the  low  degree  of  error
                                                               protection  in the  operation  of  the  equipment
 products to the United States in order to prevent the imposition
 of new US tariffs on Mexican steel. This applies primarily to   were  the  main  reasons  for  the  refusal  of
                                                               enterprises to use this type of equipment, in
 fittings, slabs, standard and industrial pipes.
                                                               addition to external factors.
                                                                      The  development  of  technologies  in
                                                               mechanical engineering and the imposition of
    Fig. 2. Examples of HFC sets                               more stringent requirements for the quality of
                                                               product processing stimulated the development
                                                               of  equipment  for  HFC  hardening.  The  use  of
                                                               the  latest  developments  in  the  field  of  heat
                                                               treatment  equipment  allows us to solve  the
                                                               above issues.

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