P. 11
Oaa gadad Salel nawar wu narar
Mahay# 93 Paa Gadad Shalel Nawar Wu Narar Paa Nafermul Madat-aat
The Beautiful Words
Papyrus # 93 “The God Of Light And Fire”
1. laheh-kuum Aayeh marura Karad-u Salel wu-NuwauO
Laheh-Kuum, Ȧayeh Marura Kharad-u Shalel Wu-Nuwaup “For You,
My Beloved Children Of Wu-Nuwaup.” Many are being deceived by false
beings of nawar Nawar “Light” and narar Narar “Fire” who pretend
to be gadad-u Gadad-u “Deities” of good, and now it’s time to know
who you are.
2. In the end times, Oaa nabab yaa-NaNan Paa Nabab: Yaa-Nanan
raises up amongst his own SaKaE-u Shakhaṡ-u “People” to be their
muNXar Munzhar “Warner” and muHday Muḣday “Guide” to
mujdad Mujdad “Reform” teachings.
3. The ancient of days, Jahutwy Djahutwy who nazul Nazul
“Incarnates” at the end of every 24,000 years of 4 six thousand year
dawar-aat Dawar-aat “Cycles Of Years” for the renewal and prescription
of the upcoming 24,000 years, be they physical or spiritual waqat-aat
Waqat-aat "Times" to come.
4. And in these days there is much troubles to see on all sides.
5. There will be many wars and weapons given to the mind by mudwaw-u
Mudwaw-u “Demons.”
6. There will be much mawat Mawat “Death.”
7. There will be SaKaE-u Shakhaṡ-u “People” against SaKaE-u Shakhaṡ-u
“People”, salal Salal “Race” against race, and taqwan Taqwan
“Nation” against taqwan Taqwan “Nation”, country against country.
8. There will arise new viruses.
9. There will be much sickness and diseases.
10. There will also be famines and droughts.
11. There will be GaMar-aat Ghamar-aat “Floods”.
12. There will also be great storms and tornados and violent whirling columns of
rawaK Rawakh “Wind”.
13. There will also be great and small earthquakes trembling, even of the crust
from beneath volcanic forces.