P. 8

So  we  see  they  believe  that  angels  come  in  human  form  Quraan  17:85,  Daniel
              8:15-16,  Revelation  22:8-9,  in  spiritual  birds,  human  fish,  giant  fish,  giants,
              Genesis  6:4.  You  can  read  this  in  their  Holy  Scriptures  and  books  they  use  to
              explain their religions. Yet, they will look at Egipt and say we are pagans because
              they claim we Egiptians of old worship animals. Who did Moses and his people
              worship? A brass serpent, Numbers 21:8-9, John 3:14. Thus, their own God trusted
              Egipt  as a place  of safety to  live and stay  for  430  years. Genesis 46:3, Exodus
              12:40-41 and also sent to the Christian’s own God in flesh Jesus, Matthew 2:13-
              15, to Egipt to be safe. This also is to be found in their Holy books, Exodus 12:40-
              41. Think. Their God, Allah, YHWH, Eloheem, Rabb made a promise with their
              father Abraham, Ibrahim to give him a land flowing with milk and honey, Exodus
              3:8, 3:17, 33:3; Leviticus 20:24, Genesis 12:1, 7 then Genesis 12:10 and Quraan
              on Jesus’ (Isa) return, Quraan 43:61, to look over them, protect them, a safe place.
              Now note: this is their all-knowing God, but he did not know the land of Canaan
              would have a famine, Genesis 42:3-5, drought, and force the Israelites to have to
              move or die. He could  not see that  far when  he  made the promise to  Abraham,
              Genesis 17:8. Then out of all the planet Earth why does their God think they will
              be safe in “pagan” Egipt? Why is Egipt even in their books at all if we were such
              backward, confused pagans? He passed through Europe to go to Egipt, look at map
              of his route:

                                              Map of Abraham’s Journey
   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13