P. 59

226.  And the Bull, Russia, and the Dragon, China, only wait for the right moment
                      when  the  Eagle  is  down  to  strike  and  bring  in  Babel  and  Sodom’s  final
               227.  As all those other nations and kingdoms and countries that live in the image
                      of  the  devil  in  its  lust  and  fornication  and  abomination,  only  standoff  and
                      watch as New Babel and Sodom fall from world power and can no longer
                      protect them.
               228.  So they weep and cry the laminating of the weak who received the mark of
                      the beast.
               229.  It all started with the atomic bomb of Revelation Nine, the 5  message, the
                      Star Bomb that had fallen from the sky to the earth.
               230.  This Atomic Bomb as a  star, from above the earth opened  up and a great
                      mushroom cloud of the abyss rose up when it opened, a smoke.
               231.  It was like smoke from a gigantic furnace.
               232.  Even Oaa SaMaS Paa Shamash “The Sun” and much of Oaa OaLaL
                      Paa Paṫaṫ “The Sky” were blocked by this smoke cloud, or dust cloud from
                      deep in Oaa LaHaH Paa Ṫaḣaḣ “The Earth”.
               233.  And many planes flew above it, war planes of the great eagle with smaller
                      bombs that hit the earth and killed many.
               234.  Those who flew and bombed was only doing as they were ordered in their
                      uniforms; they had the mark of the beast.
               235.  Those  in  Asia  had  suffered  so  much  from  the  Atomic  bomb  and  other
                      bombs. They wanted to die the physical death, yet the radiation was in their
                      very genes to be born in their offspring to this day.
               236.  So death eluded them, the people of the dragon - not to be mistaken for the
                      wicked dragons of Drago or Reptilians.
               237.  So  the  great  empires  of  the  dragon,  the  yellow  seed,  wait  for  their  day  of
                      revenge to come - when the pale white eagle is weak as it is now, to strike for
                      that atomic bomb
               238.  It was the Germans who were at war with America then and it was these
                      same  Germans  who  came  to  America,  and  being  Caucasoids,  they  were
                      accepted by American Caucasoids.
               239.  The Germans taught the people of this New Babel and Sodom how to build
                      the Atomic Bomb. And so the Caucasoids decided not to bomb Germans, yet
                      to bomb Asians.
               240. For  this  reason,  the  Asians  or  yellow  seeds  knew  that  the  muyrap-u
                     Muyrap-u “Europeans” or pale red to white seeds worked as one as a race.
               241. For this, they now as the world power, China, plan their plan of revenge and
                     the Bull; Russia will help bring down the white eagle.

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