P. 64
Quraan sounds good or sweet in the mouth, yet it is bitter truth to the Jewish
and Christian world Revelation 10:1-11.
Matthew 24:29-31
29) “Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be
darkened and the moon shall not give her light and the stars shall
fall from heaven and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken.
Then shall appear the sign of the son of man in heaven: and then
shall all of the tribes of earth morn and shall see the son of man
coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. And
he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet and they
shall gather together his elect from the four winds from one end of
the heaven to the other.”
-King James Version 1611A.D.
245. And Revelation chapter 11 speaks of the seed of Abraham and the three
religions spawn from him: 1.Mosesism 2.Jesusism 3. Muhammadism.
246. And how those of Mosesism, Jews, and those of Jesusism, Christians, are to
exclude the third or Muhammadism, Al Islam, and Muslim, Moslem. They
call them heathens or gentiles. It all started with a 42 month war between
Arabs and Jews on borders for land called the 3 Day War.
247. As American or Euro-Americans gave Arab land over to Euro-Jews in
Palestine given by the United Nations - Europeans helping Europeans.
248. As you read Nuwaupians, Revelation 11:7-9 Sodom and Egypt. The
Palestinians are from Egypt Genesis 10:14 as Philistines.
249. Revelation 12 speaks of the fallen angels and Christians and how they will
come down to earth and say woe to the earth and the sea because the devil
has come down to earth and he is very angered, because, he knows from
Jesus time 2,000 years ago he only has that much time left from year one to
2000 A.D. which is 6000 Adam’s calendar.
250. And Revelation 13 speaks of this devil as a man, and the spread of witchcraft
and those with his mark, leper, and his number 666 and how the
Dragonians, the Reptilians, gave them power.
251. The one wounded, who did not die was Ronald Wilson Reagan- note his
name is 666.
252. He incorporated the Church of Satanism and was a head, just one of the
heads of the beast nation, a governor, who had the fatal wound. His wound
was healed while the whole world was astonished and followed this human
head of the beast nation who was into Wiccan white magic.