P. 68
258. And on up to this day Revelation 14, 15,16,17,18 speak of their history. And
their fall has fallen.
259. And chapter 18 speaks to their state now. As it says “that angel of lightning
who lit up the earth with his glory.”
260. And now they see the new Babel and Sodom has fallen and America has
become a dwelling place for physical and spiritual devils.
261. It’s a place of sickness and disease of liars and killers of all kinds.
262. It is a place where all demons and foul specters are trapped and cannot cross
over to the kaAaH taOal Kaȧaḣ Tapal “Spirit world”; and have
become lost souls and lost spirits, ghost and demons full of evil, hatefulness
and wickedness.
263. The pale eagle is sick and dying.
264. And all those nations who Saruba Sharuba “Drunk” of her short lived
fame of 400 years, the wrath is upon them too.
265. For its fornication, the rulers of foreign governments, who sided with new
Babylon and put on uniforms and committed murder and evil with it, for
wealth or luster and its open lust.
266. They offer their baAaH-u Baȧaḣ-u “Souls” for luxuries and lust. They
who are of Oaa nagar salal Paa Nagar Salal “The Negroid Race”
lose their souls.
Matthew 16:26
“For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and
lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his
-King James Version, 1611A.D.
Mark 8:36
“For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world,
and lose his own soul?”
-King James Version, 1611A.D.
267. So I, Oaa nabab yaa-NaNan Paa Nabab Yaa-nanan “The Master
Yaanuwn” say to you: come out of her, my people as Yamassee Natives of
your own nation.
268. Come out of it and the Negro-American nationality, return to your own, so
that you are not partakers of its sins and that you do not catch her many
mental and physical diseases.