P. 73

impossible  to  feed  them;(13)  When  they  turned  themselves
                              against men, in order to devour them;(14) And began to injure
                              birds,  beasts,  reptiles,  and  fishes,  to  eat  their  flesh  one  after
                              another, and to drink their blood.”

                       Genesis 5:18-24

                              (18) “And Jared lived an hundred sixty and two years, and he
                              begat  Enoch.(19)  And  Jared  lived  after  he  begat  Enoch  eight
                              hundred years, and begat sons and daughters.(20) And all the
                              days of Jared  were  nine hundred sixty and two  years: and he
                              died.(21)  And  Enoch  lived  sixty  and  five  years,  and  begat
                              Methuselah.(22)    And  Enoch  walked  with  God  after  he  begat
                              Methuselah  three  hundred  years,  and  begat  sons  and
                              daughters.(23)  And  all  the  days  of  Enoch  were  three  hundred
                              sixty and five  years.(24)  And  Enoch  walked  with God: and he
                              was not; for God took him.”

                                                                        -King James Version, 1611A.D.

               312.  And  when  he returned  he  recorded what  he was told  to write  into  the  lost
                      book  of  Enoch.  Why  lost?  Because  the  Adamite  seed  did  not  include  this
                      book  in  what  you  call  the  bible  today  because  it  tells  their  true  story  and
                      explains why in Genesis 6:5 it says they are wicked and evil by their very

                      Genesis 6:5

                             “And Yahweh saw that the wickedness of Adamites was great in
                             the planet earth and that  every imagination of the thoughts of
                             their hearts was only evil continually.”

                                                                        -King James Version, 1611A.D.

               313.  That means the mixture of Adamites with the Naphilim birthed evil children
                      called Ghibborite, evil by nature.
               314.  These are Adam’s son, Seth’s son and Enos’ offspring by the sons of the

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