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285.  They  can’t  naLuq  Na  uq  “Speak”  yet  they  groan  and  roar  as  monsters,
                      they scratch the flesh, leave scars.
               286.  They  will  even  make  a  person  batul  Batul  “Kill”  themselves  then  take
                      their body.
               287.  They see the intoxicated, the drunk who are easy to daKul Dakhul “Enter”
                      if they push and shove them or make them fall or to have an open cut with
                      blood which attracts them as a gateway into the body.
               288.  They will even get into a child yet can’t stay pass 3:00 AM; when the death
                      gates, the nine gates of death are PahLuh           Ptah  uh “Open” , they run to
                      try and cross over.
               289.  They take shadow or mist form, yet, can’t take human form as ghost.
               290.  Only if a human body is very deformed they’ll steal that image for a moment
                      only to frighten the living.
               291.  It’s a form of reflected light.
               292.  They roam grave sites and sites of war and much mawat Mawat “Death”.
               293.  The 100  fallen ones  unlike the 200 cannot nazul Nazul “Incarnate”  yet
                      they haunt people, places even things such as toys with living images.
               294.  They come and appear as orbs of nawar Nawar “Light” as well. Not all
                      orbs are wicked and evil, only the 100 who have multiplied to 100,000 over
                      the 6,000 years and visit churches to enter those who ask for the Holy Ghost
                      to come into them - and they do for that waqut Waqut “Time”.
               295.  Now  you  have  haMan  jaNaN-u  Haman  Janan-u  “Human  Devils”,

                      Eawaw-u          awaw-u       “Sons”      and    Eawaw-tat-u             awaw-tat-u
                      “Daughters”  of  the  200,  who  also  multiplied  to  200,000  and  still
               296.  And you have spirit devils; the 100 who did not warn Anu ‘the most high’

                      aaNaq-u Aanaq-u “Anu·n·na·QI, Anunnaki, Anaqim” that these 200 was
                      about to create the original sin.
               297.  So  many  people  open  themselves  up  in  zaAaM-aat  Za  am-aat

                      “Religions” they don’t TaHum Tha um “Overstand”.
               298.  What most call angels or holy spirits, holy ghost, is called Malakh, Malak,
                      who  are  Maloch,  Milcom,  Melech,  Extraterrestrials,  be  they  Elohim,
                      Aalihat,  Jin,  Shaytan,  Ifrit,  Ghoul,  Taaghuwt,  Ibliys,  Kafur,  Baalim,
                      Iyrim, Naphilim, Gibborim, Cherubim, Igigi, ‘Anaqim  or Raphaim - all

                      these    are     muzyad           muLHaHyal-u            Muzyad        Mu   a yal-u
                      “Extraterrestrials”, which come and came to earth for their own purposes.
               299.  And some did genetic work on apes and zazaz-u Zazaz-u “Men” while
                      some used their own D.N.A.
               300.  Some  by  GaEub  Gha  ub  “Rape”,  some  by  grafting,  and  made  the
                      muadaM-u  salal  Muadam-u  Salal  “Adamite  Race”  of  laben

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