P. 80
Quraan 2:130
“And as for him who turned away, (rejecting the Law), the
Millat, ‘Rites of Abrawhawm’ he makes a fool of himself; and
indeed We, ([We Not He] The Eloheem, Anunnaqi), have chosen
(Abrawhawn) in this physical world; and surely when Al Akhir
‘The End’, (comes), he will be of the Saalihiyn ‘Perfectionist.’
- Translated by As Sayyid: Issa Al Haadi Al Mahdi, 1970 A.D.
353. Father of muSsas-u Mushsas-u “Israelites” of Yacub or Jacob’s 12 sons
and one daughter.
354. Father of muySaM-u Muysham-u “Ishmaelites” of Ishmael or Ishmail’s
12 sons and one daughter.
355. Each had a black seed amongst them.
356. Among the Israelites, it was Judah the lost tribe.
357. Among the Ishmaelites, it was Kedar the lost tribe.
358. The family of Jacob “Yacub” broke up into two lands and people; those of
Jah and those of EL or En·Qi and En·Lil.
359. The En·Qi-ites was Judah and two brothers who followed him, Dan and
Benjamin, southward to set up the land of Judea.
360. The En·Lil-ites were the other tribes who stayed under Solomon to set up
the land of Israel, north. As you read the Bible, you will notice Prophet’s
safah-aat Safah-aat “Books”.
361. Their raNaN-tat Ranan-aat “Names” tell you if they are speaking on
behalf of En·Qi. Names such as Joshua, Nehemiah, Isaiah, Jeremiah,
Hosea, Obadiah, Jonah, Michah, Zephaniah, Zechariah and Malachi.
362. And those speaking on behalf of En·Lil names such as Samuel, Ezekiel,
Daniel. Note the endings of El for En·Lil, he was first called EL.
363. En·Qi was first called Yah or Jah.
364. Later both became mixed by recorders and became Baal, Yahweh, Adonay
EL and others.
365. And both had sons and daughters also found in the Bible and Quraan under
the same names or attribute and others such as EL-Shadday, Shad, Belial,
Azazael, Molech, Dagon, Satyr, Satan and Nakhash, and Moloch and on
and on to confuse the reader - like Allah or Illah.
366. From Hebrew Elah is of Enqi-ites. Sects of them joined on to En·Lil-ites -
367. As you see in Hebrew, Rab is only a human teacher.