P. 82

Psalm 23:1-6

                           (1) “The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.(2) He maketh me
                           to  lie  down  in  green  pastures:  he  leadeth  me  beside  the  still
                           waters.(3)  He  restoreth  my  soul:  he  leadeth  me  in  the  paths  of
                           righteousness for his name's sake.(4)  Yea, though  I  walk through
                           the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art
                           with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.(5) Thou preparest a
                           table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my
                           head with oil; my cup runneth over.(6) Surely goodness and mercy
                           shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house
                           of the LORD forever.”

                                                                        -King James Version, 1611A.D.

               384.  He treads their blood as wine in a winepress in fury as a wrath of En·Lil.
               385.  He  as  his  son  EL-Shadday  or  Ash-Shadiyd,  the  Almighty  God,  lord

                      Deuteronomy 32:17

                              “They sacrificed unto devils (7700 Shed), not to God; to gods
                              whom they knew not, to new gods that came newly up, whom
                              your fathers feared not.”
                                                                        -King James Version, 1611A.D.

               386.  On  his  robe  and  on  his  thigh  he  has  his  name  written,  King  of  Kings  or
                      Ruler  of  Rulers  -  that  is  for  statesmen.  And  Lord  of  Lords  -  that  is  for
                      religious men. Kin of his Kinsmen;
               387.  The  seed  that  mixed  in  with  the  nafal-u  Nafal-u  “Fallen  Ones”  or
                      muNfal-u Munfal-u, Nephilim,  fallen I·Qi·Qi;  Line  from  Adam’s  son,
                      Seth’s son, Enos, called in the Muslims Quraan-, An-Naas Al-Insaan.
               388.  For aaSah-u Aashah-u “Females”, An-Nisa the forgetful ones - for they
                      forgot  Genesis  6:1-5  and  now  worship  the  image  of  this  beast  as  their
                      messiah or anointed cherub Ezekiel 28:14 - the one who pretends to be god
                      and son of god Ezekiel 28:2-23

                      Genesis 6:1-5

                             (1) “And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face
                             of  the  earth,  and  daughters  were  born  unto  them.(2)  That  the
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