Page 3 - Our Shared Purpose - Leader Orientation checklist Flipbook
P. 3


               Your newly formed teams will be commencing their own teaming

               journey as you undertake your leadership shift in accountability /
               geography and possibly newly expanded role.

               PEOPLE PRACTICES:              Intact Team Meeting SAMPLE Interview

               Getting to know you            Model
               and your team                  Consider having a more relaxed atmosphere

               □  Send welcome                during your first all-direct reports meeting.
                   message to all direct      You could share the questions beforehand or

                   reports immediately        ask for additional ones as well.  One of the
                                              members (or all) could conduct an interview
                   after announcement         with you so that the group will get to know

               □  Set up one-on-one           you personally as well as some of your
                   meetings with all          leadership      expectations.         These      are

                   direct reports             questions for your consideration:
                   (virtual or in-person)     • How would you describe your leadership
               □  Set up intact team          • What is your proudest moment in your
                   meeting for direct             career?

                   reports (use               • What would you like to share about your
                   interview model)               personal life (where you live, family
               □  Meet with outgoing              situation, etc.)?

                   leader (if needed) to      • What is your favorite activity outside of
                   discuss transition             work?

                   over to you                • What keeps you awake at night regarding
                                                  this new role?
                   (budgets, strategic        • What can we do to help in the short

                   plans, operational             term?
                   goals, etc.)               • How will we stay connected as a team?

                                              • How can we utilize technology to help us

                                                  stay connected?

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