Page 4 - GIADA May-June 2020
P. 4



        Innovation and Dedication                                                            INDEX

        Through Every Challenge                                                     28  Advantage GPS by Procon

                                                                                    33  Backlot Cars
                               Dear GIADA Members,
                                                                                     7  Frazer Computing Inc.
                               I hope this finds everyone well. I know we all have our own    IBC  GIADA Legal
                               personal challenges dealing with this unprecedented time. I
                               have been very proud seeing the innovation and dedication    BC  NextGear Capital
                               of our GIADA staff. The team members are finding all kinds    31  Oakwood's Arrow Auto
                               of ways to connect with dealers to keep them engaged and        Auction
                               handle each unique situation. Our leadership has been
                               working diligently to stay on top of the seemingly daily policy     9  People's Financial Corp
                               changes from the state and the federal government. It is taking     7  Rawls Auto Auction
                               the efforts from all of us to keep our association up to speed.
                                                                                    32  Reeves Insurance
                               As I talk with GIADA staff, I have been reminded that these    13  Ron Widener
        GIADA PRESIDENT        last few weeks are a challenge for keeping dealers in the loop
        David Mosley           on ever changing state policies and ways to get customer tags    39  RunBuggy
        Cherokee Auto Group    and titles transferred. With Georgia state DMV closures in     3  Southeastern Auto Auction
                               place, it provides many challenges and mail in or electronic     5  UPS
        transfers are only options. Our current situation will only serve to increase that challenge
        until the DMV fully reopens. This is again where being a GIADA member goes a long    IFC  Wayne Reaves Computer
        way! As GIADA saw this start to unfold, we were trying our best to head problems off        Systems
                                                                                     To advertise in GIADA's monthly
        So, I am reaching out to let our valued members know that our association is doing our   magazine, please contact
        best to take care of our dealers, while working to keep our faculty and staff safe, and to
        make sure our business operations are not interrupted. We do not have a road map for this   GIADA, 770-745-9650.
        - it is a new world. However, we clearly have leadership and staff who are up to the many
        challenges that lie ahead.
                                                                                       MAXIMIZE YOUR
        The good news is that we see light at the end of the tunnel and things may not ever get
        back to the way we did business before, but we will overcome together and adapt to the   ADVERTISING
        new normal of running our dealerships and GIADA headquarters.                      EXPOSURE!

        Continue to take care of yourselves, your family and your friends and staff!   GIADA also offers options
                                                                                        for advertising on our
        Sincerely,                                                                        website and in our
        David                                                                            digital publications!


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        2  |  GIADA Independent Auto Dealer MAY/JUN 2020
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