Page 13 - MIADA-Q2 2022
P. 13


        Broken Vehicle Recall System Puts

        Unsuspecting Dealers at Risk

        By FI Staff

        Between 20% to 25% of all vehicles on the  “Dealers simply cannot know whether or   at 23.4%; Delaware had the lowest at
        road have one or more open safety recall  not vehicles have an open recall using their   5.6%;
        at any given time. However, government  current methods,” Paul said.  “The  best  •   Currently, only 44% of dealerships
        databases have an approximate 30%  way to tackle this challenge is through an   have  a  written  safety  recall
        error rate, leading many auto dealers to  automated system that verifies VINs using   management policy;
        unknowingly purchase and sell vehicles  advanced technologies and with multiple  •   100% of dealers surveyed said staying
        with open safety recalls. The findings  sources, on a nightly basis with minimal   in compliance was critical. Yet none of
        were part of “Safety Recalls: State of the  initial effort by dealers.”      the dealers surveyed said they check
        Retail Industry,” a report released today by                                 their own inventory for safety recalls
        AutoAp, Inc., the industry’s leading auto   “Safety Recalls: State of the    every day;
        safety recall software company. To obtain a   Retail Industry” details    •   Government fleet vehicles have the
        copy of the report, visit                                    highest open recall rate at nearly 36%. n
        industryreport                          threats, opportunities for
                                                how automotive retailers
        There have been more than 5,000 vehicle   handle vehicle safety recall
        safety recalls since 2014, affecting millions
        of vehicles. Because many vehicles are         management.
        covered by multiple recalls, the average
        vehicle on the road today has 1.2 recalls.  Paul urged dealers to take a handful of
        Worse, often, there are lags between  simple steps to get started.
        manufacturers assigning recalls onto   •  Write a policy for the dealership or
        vehicles and either the manufacturer or   dealership group that spells out how
        government publishing them for dealers   the organization will handle open recall
        to learn if their inventory is affected.   needs – and have everyone sign it;
        In addition, human error often leads to   •  Appoint one team member within
        misclassification of recalls, incorrect   the  organization  to  oversee
        vehicle makes or incorrect model         recall operations – with both the
        years through the government and         responsibility and authority in
        manufacturers.                           this critical area;
                                              •  Implement an automated
        “Many automotive retailers do not realize   process to verify, monitor
        how badly the safety recall ecosystem is   and report recalls;
        broken,” said Mark Paul, CEO of AutoAp.   •  Use daily reporting to
        “This impacts dealerships of all sizes,   identify open recalls
        brands and locations through liability and   and track repair status.
        compliance issues, as dealers often buy and
        sell vehicles with open safety recalls and do  Dealers  who  follow
        not know it – through no fault of their own.”  these  simple  steps
                                             have     significantly
        Many auto dealers continue to use manual  lower  open  recall
        processes to track open safety recalls,  rates among their
        or worse, ignore the problem altogether  inventory. Dealerships
        due  to  the  time-consuming,  error-prone  who develop a fully
        and delayed data. In addition to liability  automated  system
        issues, dealers are often missing out on a  reduce their open recall
        valuable revenue stream as recall repairs  rates by nearly 90%.
        are covered by manufacturer warranty  In other findings:
        reimbursements.                      •   Hawaii  had  the  highest  open  rate

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