Page 9 - MIADA-Q2 2022
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things out and short cutting the system but what they are really saying is that deal it is because they feel there is more
you could be shooting yourself in the foot. my car salesman didn’t sell me on why room, the customer can be bumped or
Car sales training systems were designed I should buy a car from them and their that the next person will pay more for the
to work throughout the dealership and dealership. They think there is more to be same car. It’s not personal it’s business
be consistent. One step is made to work had somewhere else because you didn’t and they really do want to sell cars just
with the next and the one before. I will make them feel otherwise. They sound so like you do and one more of those things
guarantee that you will lose deals when sincere and they have numerous reasons, a car salesman should know.
you start thinking you know better or but that is their way of giving you the bad
start short cutting the system. This is news. Granted they may visit another Buyers are Liars
one of the things a car salesman should dealer and feel the same way about them, I left this one for number ten
know, but often forgets. Dummy up, get but if they meet a real car salesman they 10 because too many salespeople
back to basics and you will sell more cars. will buy a car and all the follow-up in the like to use this for an excuse when they
world won’t help. Once they tell you that don’t make deal, but it is true in many
There is Always More and F&I Will they will “Be Back” your only chance is cases. Talk to enough car buyers both on
Prove It. that they visit another dealership and tell and off the car lot and you will find out
5 e have all had the customer that them the same thing and then you have that the average consumer thinks that
wouldn’t bump another dollar, but after a remote chance with follow up if you lying to the car salesman is acceptable
they got done in F&I their payment went something more to offer. Can you believe part of the game. Even that person that
up 20, 30 or 40 dollars. The things a car that people ask why do car salesmen lie never tells a lie thinks that it’s not a
salesman should know include knowing when they are the ones that are avoiding lie, and sometimes they use it as a how
that there is always more room, but when the truth. to tell salesman no, but its all part of
you believe that they won’t go another the car buying process. Cars dealers
dollar think again. Maybe you didn’t Things a Car Salesman Should don't want their car salesmen to lie,
show them a reason to spend more or Know About Enthusiasm and yet customers do so repeatedly. Again
provide enough value in the vehicle 8 Selling Cars this is one of the few things that the
or the dealership. Think about how Even the grumpy old fart that buys a customer uses as a defense because they
bumping them another $100 will equal car is excited about buying a new car, don’t want to be taken advantage of by
20, 30 or 40 dollars towards your car but they certainly aren’t going to tell or a car salesman. Things a car salesman
salesman salary. If you don’t get it the show you that. Car buyers don’t want should know include being wise to how
F&I Department will. the salesman to think they are excited the customer thinks. The salesman must
about the prospect of driving home in
Price Isn’t Everything a new ride, but they are and enthusiasm understand that they need to break down
this customer barrier and change the
Stop thinking that price is the only will heighten that excitement and engage
6 ing that will close the deal because more of their emotions. Being positive way the customer thinks. This is also
that is not the case. Almost everyone is and enthusiastic about them having a new where body language, tone and facial
will to pay more when they see the value vehicle will only help you sell more cars expressions are important when selling
in something. Stop working the desk and and increase your commission. When cars professionally. Most people are
start working the customer and provide people use their emotions to purchase honest unless they are buying a car so
more value. Many salespeople work the a vehicle you are the one that comes they will usually give themselves away
desk harder than they work the customer, out on top. Enthusiasm is an emotion with their facial expressions and eye
but when you show them “What’s in it and your ticket to sales and logic is the movement. Accept these car salesman
for them” you provide more value and quickest way to a short deal. The things facts, but don’t use it as an excuse for not
ultimately make more commission. The a car salesman should know include selling a car.
things a car salesman should know and enthusiasm because enthusiasm sells
never forget is that whether they are a cars. Be enthusiastic, include positive The Basic Things a Car Salesman
newbie or a veteran is that it’s not always things about cars, be upbeat with your Should Know is a Foundation
about price. It doesn't matter if you are customers and you will sell more cars
selling used cars or BMW's is not always and make more money. These 10 things a car salesman should
price. know are basic, but these car salesman
The Sales Manager Wants to Sell a facts are true nonetheless. They are many
True Car Salesmen Know “Be Car as Badly as You Do other things that you should know when
Backs” Won’t Be Back 9 ou might think otherwise, but you have a car salesman career, but these
7 ou may have heard this one a few it really is true. The sales manager gets will get you started or remind those of you
hundred times, but that’s because it paid based on sales and gross and they that may have forgotten some of them. You
is usually true so I will say it again: Be really do want you to sell cars. When the can move on to other car salesman tips, but
Backs won’t be back. They say they will, desk or sales manager won’t accept your you need to build a foundation first. n